phobo-, phob-, -phobia, -phobias, -phobe, -phobiac, -phobist, -phobic, -phobism, -phobous
(Greek: fear, extreme fear of; morbid, excessive, irrational fear, or terror of something or someone; however, sometimes this Greek element also means a strong dislike, dread, or hatred for something or someone)
For more details about the various phobias, visit this Phobias Introduction page to see Phobia Variations Defined and Explained.
There are only two forces that unite men: fear and self-interest.
An exaggerated concern of losing an erection: Medomalacophobia can be caused by a very bad experience in the past and men suffering from this phobia fear that they won't be able to complete their sexual activity during love making.
An irrational distress of having an erect penis: Those suffering from medorthophobia either feel quite embarrassed regarding the size of the bulge on their trousers, or feel mortified of having an erection in situations other than very personal and in private.
An unreasonable distrust of large objects: Timothy was seeing a doctor regarding his megalophobia because he was terrified of huge towers and other very tall and giant buildings and he was also afraid to leave his house!

An uncontrolled apprehension regarding bees or their stings: Melissophobia is a very common phobia and can be caused by being stung, which can be extremely painful and perhaps develop into an allergic reaction.
An uncommon, abnormal, or extreme fear of brain diseases: When Mark started to have a severe headache, he developed meningitophobia because he was extremely alarmed and terrified that he was beginning to have meningitis.
An abnormal fear of menstruation: When Susi had her first period, she was terrified at this traumatic experience of losing blood, and when it lasted for days, she was quite upset because she didn't know about what was happening to her and her doctor said that she had menophobia and that it could be treated.
An irrational terror of being bound or tied up: Little Jane suffered from merinthophobia after her brother secured her with thin ropes and kept her in a dark closet for an hour!
An unnatural distrust of metals or objects made of metal: Because Mrs. Green suffered from metallphobia, she had things only made of wood or plastic in her home, including the cutlery which was made of plastic!
An uncontrollable apprehension of meteors: After learning about meteorites and their possible destructive impact on Earth, Jenny developed meteorophobia and thereafter watched the sky at all times, fearing an extraterrestrial body falling down!
An abnormal fear of alcohol or of becoming an alcoholic: People with little personal identity, low self-esteem, or feelings of helplessness and dependence might have a methyphobia, which is an exaggerated dread of becoming addicted to intoxicants because of their personal temperaments.
An undue dread of poetry: Some people have difficulties understanding poems, or literature written in metrical forms, and become very nervous and agitated when listening to such verses because they suffer from metrophobia.
A fanatical distress or fear of microbes and bacteria: Mrs. Clean always had her home immaculately clean and tidy because she was afraid of germs and bugs, and because she suffered from microbiophobia, she washed her laundry every day!
1. A person who has an intense animosity against smoking or having anyone around who is polluting the air in the immediate vicinity with tobacco smoke, whether from cigarettes or cigars or from any similar process of smoke distribution: Lynn’s mother was considered to be a misocapnist, sending anyone away who was holding a "cancer stick" in his or her hands and not permitting them to come into her house!
2. Anyone who fears smoke exhausts from motor vehicles which are blamed for causing so much pollution in the air: The smell of car and truck emissions made Cindy so sick to her stomach that she decided to live in the forest away from such pollution, and her friends, who were also misocapnists and had similar problems, went to live with her!
2. Anyone who fears smoke exhausts from motor vehicles which are blamed for causing so much pollution in the air: The smell of car and truck emissions made Cindy so sick to her stomach that she decided to live in the forest away from such pollution, and her friends, who were also misocapnists and had similar problems, went to live with her!
Here is a capnophobia link, Part 1 of 4, with images and information for a better understanding of capnophobiacs and why they hate smoking as related to the dangerous practice of smokers.
A fanatical dread of dirt, especially of being contaminated and exposed to the germs in it: Some of those who suffer from misodust keep the windows in their houses closed all the time and install elaborate air-filtering equipment to keep the air as clean as possible.
There are also those who feel compelled by their feelings regarding misodust to constantly wipe surfaces and clean their living quarters so often that they are considered to have an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

An unreasonable apprehension of memories: Because Mrs. Elger had mnemophobia, she worried a lot about losing her recollections of the past when she was a child and as she was growing up.