phobo-, phob-, -phobia, -phobias, -phobe, -phobiac, -phobist, -phobic, -phobism, -phobous
(Greek: fear, extreme fear of; morbid, excessive, irrational fear, or terror of something or someone; however, sometimes this Greek element also means a strong dislike, dread, or hatred for something or someone)
For more details about the various phobias, visit this Phobias Introduction page to see Phobia Variations Defined and Explained.
There are only two forces that unite men: fear and self-interest.
An excessive fear of trees: Dendrophobia may be related to a terror that one might be injured or killed in a forest by falling branches of a fir or other conifers, or that a fir might fall over onto someone walking there.
Another dendrophobia can be caused by experiencing extensive damage to homes, cars, and property when tall perennial woody plants fall over during a storm.
An abnormal anxiety of being around a dentist: Mark's dentophobia restricts him from going to his dental practitioner except when he has a very serious problem with his teeth.
An excessive worry of acquiring a skin disease, lesions, or cracks in the skin: Paul's dermatophobia included boils, scratches, itching, and other uncomfortable irritations on his skin.
An excessive apprehension of things that might appear on the right side of the body: One reason a person may have dextrophobia is knowing that he or she only wants to use objects located on the left and never on the other side!
Susan, conscious of having dextrophobia, always used the scissors she needed for sewing from the left, and avoided putting them down on the other side.
A dread of having diabetes: Carl started to have diabetophobia after his doctor examined him and commented on his body not producing enough of the hormone needed to turn sugar into the energy he needed for doing everyday activities.
An abnormal or intense hatred of going to school: Little Tommy had a bad accident at his elementary educational institution once and didn't want to leave the security of his home and parents, and the family doctor diagnosed this aversion as being a case of didaskaleinophobia.
An excessive and abnormal awe and respect for justice: People who abide by the laws and rules, uphold the ideas of fairness, honour and moral rightness can be considered to follow the concepts of dikephobia.
A fear of whirlpools and of dizziness: Dinophobia may also be a mixture of anxiety brought about by gastrointestinal effects, which include nausea and perhaps vomiting and diarrhea.
Dinophobia may also be related to a disturbance of the inner ear.
An exaggerated anxiety of having double vision: Diplopiaphobia can be a result of a feeling of losing one's control of the environment, and is perhaps caused by a muscle imbalance or to a paralysis of certain eye muscles.
An intense revulsion of drinking alcoholic beverages: After experiencing some of her relatives consuming too much wine and beer and and seeing the bad and uncontrollable effects it produced, Becky hated those drinks and had dipsomanophobia.
An exaggerated dread of undressing in front of someone else: Dorothy found it difficult to be in a less than "fully clothed" condition when changing for sports in school, and her doctor said that her excessive concern was related to a form of dishabillophobia.

An excessive, or irrational, repugnance of being confined in a house or in one's home: Doug always had to go on walks a few times each day because he couldn't stand having to stay within his residence, and his family doctor told him that he suffered from domatophobia, a kind of claustrophobia.
Someone who has an uncontrollable dread of being confined in a house: Dr. Smith had many patients in the prison where he worked who were domatophobiacs, because they all had extreme difficulties getting used to being locked in their cells and also within the walls of the penal institution.
An exaggerated fear of contact with the fur or skin of animals: A doraphobia is an abnormal aversion to touching the hair of animals.
1. An abnormal panic of crossing streets: Fanny's grandmother was slow with walking and always took a cane with her when going into town, and she was affected by dromophobia when having to go across a road because she was slower than most people and was afraid that she might be hit by a car.
2. A morbid avoidance of walking, wandering, or roaming about: Dromophobia appears with people when they are afraid of hiking or going by foot because they fear the dangers associated with it, probably due to some accident-related experience they had before.
2. A morbid avoidance of walking, wandering, or roaming about: Dromophobia appears with people when they are afraid of hiking or going by foot because they fear the dangers associated with it, probably due to some accident-related experience they had before.