scrib-, script-, -scribe, -scription, -scriptive
(Latin: write, record)
Writing has not always been available for the "common person" to utilize. In the past it was restricted only to the few who were educated especially for that purpose either as scribes or monks who dedicated their lives to this vocation. You can learn more about the ancient Egyptian scribes by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.
2. A signed message written in a book or on a photograph, often when it is being presented as a gift.
This phrase refers to what is known as common law, the body of law derived in the English tradition from precedent without the formality of statutes and regulations, but nevertheless binding. Lex scripta, refers to the body of written, or statutory, law.
2. To write a book, a document, or a piece of music by hand rather than as a typed or printed production: The author could think and manuscribe his ideas for his next novel on paper better than by using a computer.
2. Handwriting as opposed to machine-printed words: Grace was noted for her beautiful manuscript which looked almost as if she had written it using the cursive font on a computer.
2. Relating to someone who is lacking any distinct, remarkable, or individual characteristics; dull and uninteresting: Jane was quite plain, commonplace, ordinary, and nondescript, just like her name seemed to be.

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2. A reference to to a person or thing of no particular type, kind, or character; often used disparagingly.
That which is written after a previous post script as an additional after thought.
Anything that is written [added] after the main message of a letter; an afterthought.
2. To write afterwards or subsequently; to make a written addition to a previously written message.