avi-, av-

(Latin: bird, birds)

avifaunal (adjective), more avifauna, most avifauna
A reference to or relating to birds of a particular region or period of time.
avigation (s) (noun), avigations (pl)
Aerial navigation or the handling and guidance of aircraft in the air: Tim's son was training to be a pilot in the profession of avigation.
avimancy (s) (noun), avimancies (pl)
The practice of divination, or fortune telling, by interpreting the sound of birds and their behavior; such as, crows in flight or other birds: In the past, it was believed that avimancy was performed when birds, being able to fly in the sky, could commune with the sky god, who was inaccessible to humans.

So all the people who made divinations, or avimancies, with the flight and sound of birds, believed that the birds were messengers whose behavior carried encoded messages or signs sent to people by means of the god of the sky.

avine (adjective), more avine, most avine
Characteristic of birds: The term avine refers to animals consisting of feathered, bi-pedaled and with forelimbs specialized as wings for flight, and without teeth.
avinosis (s) (noun), avinoses (pl)
Air sickness caused by flying in an aircraft, a balloon, etc.
avion (s) (noun), avions (pl)
1. An airplane or other aircraft.
2. Etymology: from Latin avis, "bird".
avionic (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to or relating to avionics or aviation electronics.
avionics (pl) (noun) (used as a singular verb)
The science and technology of electronics and the development of electronic devices as applied to aeronautics and astronautics: Avionics has also become even more important with the production and applications to other forms of aviation and rocketry.