quir-, quisit-, quis-, que-, quer-, quest-, -quirement, -quirable, -quisition, -quisitive
(Latin: to ask, to seek)
1. Anyone who is searching for something or is striving to achieve an objective: According to mythology, the Knights of the Round Table were questers who were seeking truth and integrity.
2. A person who is making a long or arduous investigation to succeed in accomplishing a goal: The scientist, Dr. Dawson, was a quester for a reliable vaccine that would actually help people overcome an illness.
2. A person who is making a long or arduous investigation to succeed in accomplishing a goal: The scientist, Dr. Dawson, was a quester for a reliable vaccine that would actually help people overcome an illness.
1. Inquiring for information or for a reply: When people ask questions, they usually end it with a question mark, if written; or with a rising intonation of their voices, when they speak.
2. A doubt or uncertainty about someone or something: There was some question about whether Jane actually accomplished all of the things that she listed during her presentation.
3. A matter that is the subject of discussion, debate, or negotiation: At the end of his lecture, Professor Younge answered questions from his students.
4. A problem to be discussed or solved in an examination: The lawyer, Mr. Evans, presented several questions to the witness in court about her claims of being abused by her husband.
2. A doubt or uncertainty about someone or something: There was some question about whether Jane actually accomplished all of the things that she listed during her presentation.
3. A matter that is the subject of discussion, debate, or negotiation: At the end of his lecture, Professor Younge answered questions from his students.
4. A problem to be discussed or solved in an examination: The lawyer, Mr. Evans, presented several questions to the witness in court about her claims of being abused by her husband.
questionable (adjective), more questionable, most questionable
1. Open to doubt or disagreement: It was a questionable decision to have decided to write to Jack, the editor of the local paper, about who was committing vandalism in the parks.
2. Not respectable or morally proper: Mrs. Jenkins, the librarian, decided that the new book had questionable value for the science program at the school.
2. Not respectable or morally proper: Mrs. Jenkins, the librarian, decided that the new book had questionable value for the science program at the school.
questionably (adverb), more questionably, most questionably
Regarding how something is done in a way that is doubtful and not necessarily completely honest: The company president's statement to the press was presented in a questionably weak manner, raising questions about her integrity.
Someone who is attempting to get information possibly through verbal interaction: The most critical questioner at the mayor's news conference was seated in the front row.
A situation in which someone is requested to give answers about a situation or conditions,; especially, formally or officially: Thomas and the reporters attended the weekly questioning which was scheduled by the city councilors.
questioningly (adverb), more questioningly, most questioningly
In a manner that suggests someone or something is waiting for further input or instructions: When Isaac whistles, his dog questioningly turns her head as if she wants him to tell her to do something.
questionless (adjective), more questionless, most questionless
Undoubtedly or that which cannot be doubted: Jane's questionless faith in the due process of the law was challenged when her son was arrested.
The participation of the students in class was of a questionless nature because they were always absorbing data and facts, but they weren't asking questions.
A paper form that is designed to obtain detailed information about specific topics for special objectives: When Sam applied for a job, he was asked to fill out a questionnaire about his qualifications and experiences as a former computer technician.
Alison completed the online questionnaire for the competition in order to win a free trip to Hawaii.
A new symbol and a new word composed of the symbols ?, "question" + &, "ampersand" which is pronounced KWEST puhr sand.
The questpersand was designed and defined by John Langdon of Wenonah, New Jersey, U.S.A.

Anyone who is looking for or who is striving to pursue an objective that he or she wants to achieve: Trevor went to a business retreat as a questrist, hoping to develop an insight into future career goals.
Quod cito acquiritur cito perit. (Latin Proverb)
Translation: "That which is quickly acquired, quickly vanishes."
Another version is "Easy come, easy go."
Quotes: Research, Inquiry
The patient study of the misjudgments and misstatements of others: research quotes.
The act of politely asking or petitioning for something to be done or to be given: A request was made to the audience to hold their applause until the vocalist had finished her solo.
requested (adjective), more requested, most requested
Descriptive of information that has been expected or demanded: The librarian, Mrs. Smith, said that the new novel by the famous author was the most requested title on the library's shelves.
The application for work had specifically requested data that must be provided before the job seeker could submit his or her data.