auto-, aut-
(Greek: self, same, spontaneous; directed from within)
2. The study of the ecology of an individual plant or species; the opposite of synecology.
2. Vomiting that is self-induced by provoking the gag reflex.
3. Vomiting induced by autosuggeston, as observed in certain mental patients.
2. Etymology: from 1340, "authoritative", from Old French autentique, from Medieval Latin authenticus, from Greek authentikosl "original oe genuine."
Originally from Greek authentikos, it was a derivative of the noun authentes, "doer, master", which was formed from autos, "self" and the base -hentes, "worker, doer, being".
Before he could pick up his package at the post office, Jeffery had to authenticate that he was the authorized person by showing his driver’s license.
2. To prove something to be genuine; especially, some artistic piece of work: The insurance company wanted Linda to have her violin's condition authenticated by a violin expert so it could be insured in case of theft, fire, etc.2. A mental disorder characterized by severely abnormal developments of social interaction and verbal and nonverbal communication skills.
3. A tendency to view life in terms of one's own needs and desires.
Affected individuals may adhere to inflexible, nonfunctional rituals or routine. They may become upset with even trivial changes in their environment. They often have a limited range of interests but may become preoccupied with a narrow range of subjects or activities. They appear unable to understand others' feelings and often have poor eye contact with others.
Unpredictable mood swings may occur. Many demonstrate stereotypical motor mannerisms; such as, hand or finger flapping, body rocking, or dipping. The disorder is probably caused by organically based central nervous system dysfunction, especially in the ability to process social or emotional information or language.
Information about autism and autistic symptoms.