auto-, aut-
(Greek: self, same, spontaneous; directed from within)
The love of one's self; self-love: Jenny read in her book that autophilia concerns one's own happiness and is considered to be a basic human necessity, but at the same time a moral weakness.
Narcissism is a psychoanalytic term meaning self-love, which also applies to autophilia..
autophilous (adjective) (not comparable)
In biology, an unusual term for self-pollinating: Beans, broccoli, carrots, onions, peppers, among others, are autophilous.
Some fruit trees are also autophilous, like the apple trees, peach trees, and cherry trees.
The apprehensiveness of solitude or isolation: Sufferers of autophobia often experience extreme anxiety even when they know that being alone does not threaten their well-being.

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Some people have autophobias about the possibility of intruders breaking in, or being terrified of strange noises, or even the possibility of developing a medical problem and not having anyone available to take care of them.

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A shrinking away from making any reference to oneself.
A kind of barrel organ in which a perforated sheet of millboard determines the notes that are sounded.
A spontaneously given, unsought, oracle.
1. An obsessive desire to commit suicide.
2. A condition in which someone is suicidal.
2. A condition in which someone is suicidal.
Measurement or assessment by the individual of his/her own auditory sensory experiences; such as, the sound created by a vibrating tuning fork.
autophony, autophonous
1. Increased resonance of one's own voice, breath sounds, arterial murmurs, etc., noted especially in disease of the middle ear or of the nasal fossa.
2. A condition in which the patient is aware of the sound of his voice or of his pulse amplified, as it seems, within his/her head.
3. Observation by a practitioner of the peculiarities of resonance of his own voice, when he places his head close to the chest of a patient, and speaks loudly.
4. A condition in which one's own voice seems abnormal, caused by aural catarrh (inflammation of mucous membranes; especially, of the head and throat).
2. A condition in which the patient is aware of the sound of his voice or of his pulse amplified, as it seems, within his/her head.
3. Observation by a practitioner of the peculiarities of resonance of his own voice, when he places his head close to the chest of a patient, and speaks loudly.
4. A condition in which one's own voice seems abnormal, caused by aural catarrh (inflammation of mucous membranes; especially, of the head and throat).
A plant capable of synthesizing its own food from simple organic substances.
Relating to organisms (as green plants) that can make complex organic nutritive compounds from simple inorganic sources by photosynthesis.
autoplasty, autoplastic
1. Surgical repair or reconstruction of a body part using tissue taken from another part of the body.
2. The repair of defects with tissue from another part of the patient's body.
2. The repair of defects with tissue from another part of the patient's body.
autoploid, autoploidy, autopolyploid, autopolyploidy
Relating to an individual or cell with two or more copies of a single haploid set; depending on the number of multiples of the haploid set, autoploid's are referred to as autodiploids, autotriploids, autotetraploids, autopentaploids, autohexaploids, etc.
The most distal part of a developing limb.
It consists of the rudiments of the carpal and tarsal bones, metacarpals and metatarsals, and the phalanges, and will eventually become a hand or a foot.