pater-, patri-, patro-, patr-, -patria

(Latin: father, dad, pop (family member); fatherland, country, nation)

expatriation (s) (noun), expatriations (pl)
misopaterist (s) (noun), misopaterists (pl)
Someone who has no respect for the Fathers of the Christian Church or those who hate their own fathers: Ray thought he didn’t have a father until he found out later that his parents had extreme difficulties with each other; so, his father left them and with time, Ray became a misopaterist who was disgusted with his father.
misopatrist (s) (noun), misopatrists (pl)
A loathing for anything having to do with a father or fathers: Sally’s only experiences with her father were quite disappointing and also distressing because he never took the time to play with her nor to do any hobbies with her; so, she found out from her psychiatrist that her negative feelings towards her father turned her into a misopatrist.
Non sibi sed patriae.
Not for self, but for country.
1. The siring of a child by an elderly man.
2. An elderly father of a young child.
Chiefly a British term for “father”.
pater noster
1. The opening words of the Lord’s Prayer (Pater noster, “Our Father”); especially, in Latin.
2. Each large bead of a rosary on which this prayer is said.
3. A muttered prayer or incantation.
pater patriae
Father of his country.
paterfamilias (s) (noun), patresfamilias (pl)
1. The male head of a household: The ancient law required that only the paterfamilias could sign the deed to the property.
2. In Roman Law, the head of a household having the authority belonging to that position: After he reached the legal age of the time, the youth was able to claim the authority of paterfamilias because he was old enough to be head of his family since his father had recently died.
3. Etymology: from Latin, literally, "master of a house, head of a family"; from pater, "father" + familias, "family".
paternal, paternally
1. Of, like, or characteristic of a father or fatherhood; fatherly.
2. Derived, received, or inherited from a father.
3. Related through the father’s side of the family.
The principle or system of governing or controlling a country, group of employees, etc. in a manner suggesting a father’s relationship with his children.
1. The state of being a father; fatherhood.
2. Male parentage; paternal origin.
3. Origin or authorship in general.