-onym, -onymy, -onymic, -onymically, -onymous, -onymously, -nym

(Greek: name; word)

1. A proper name by which a people or an ethnic group is known.
2. The name of an ethnic group, whether that name has been assigned by another group; such as, an exonym; or self-assigned; such as, an autonym.

At one time when ethnonyms were acceptable references, they could also become offensive, or become ethinic slurs. Examples of "unacceptable ethnonyms" include Gypsy for Roma; "Nigger", Negro, or colored for "black" people; and historical references: "vandal", "Bushman", "barbarian", and "Philistine".

euonym (s) (noun), euonyms (pl)
A name that is appropriate for a person, place, or thing that is identified; a pleasing name, a good name: Feelings of happiness and great joy were the euonyms that described how the author felt when her book was so successful.
A name that is appropriate for a person, place, or thing which has been named.
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euonymous (adjective), more euonymous, most euonymous
Descriptive of something or someone who has been appropriately named: Some people say that "Harry" is certainly a euonymous name for the man because he has so much hair on his body, his head, and the long beard on his face.
Properly named.
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1. A name by which one people or social group refers to another and by which the group so named does not refer to itself.
2. The name of a city or other place used in a foreign language which is not the same at the originating language; such as, Florence (English) for Firenze (Italian).

Additional examples: Londres (French) an exonym for London, Germany (English) is an exonym because Germans use the term Deutschland.

filionym (s) (noun), filionyms (pl)
A name derived from that of a son: "Bobby was the filonym for Bob, Jr. who was son of a father who was also named Bob."
1. A word having the same spelling as another, but a different sound (pronunciation) and meaning: opposite of homonym and synonym.
2. A name of a thing in one language that is a translation of the name in another language.
The following presentation includes heteronymic endings:

Listen, readers, toward me bow.
Be friendly; do not draw the bow.
Please don't try to start a row.
Sit peacefully, all in a row.
Don't act like a big, fat sow.
Do not the seeds of discord sow.
—"Naming the nyms", by Richard Lederer (from http://wordsmith.org/awad; Dec. 11, 2001).
heteronymy (s) (noun), heteronymies (pl)
1. A word having the same spelling as another, but a different pronunciation and meaning: Two examples of heteronymy are "lead" guide dog and "lead" as a metal.

Heteronymy is the opposite of homonym and synonym.
2. In ophthalmology, the noncorresponding vertical halves of the visual fields of both eyes: Heteronymy refers to the nasal half of the left eye and the nasal of the right, or the temporal half of the left eye and the temporal of the right.

A surname that is based on a sacred name; for example, Joseph Saint John.
Hieronymian, Hieronymic (adjective); more Hieronymian, most Hieronymian; more Hieronymic, most Hieronymic
1. Relating to Saint Jerome: For his class in religion, Jeff wanted to get the Hieronymian version of the Bible.

Saint Jerome was an early Christian priest and was important during the 4th-5th century A.
2. Etymology: from Latin Hieronymus, "Jerome".

hieronymite, Hieronymite, Jeronymite (s) (noun); hieronymites; Hieronymites; Jeronymites (pl)
A member of a congregation of hermits named after Saint Jerome: A hieronymite was a fellow member of a medieval religious order called Hermits of St. Jerome.

Related "name" units: nom-; onomato-.

Related "word, words" units: etym-; legi-; lexico-; locu-; logo-; onomato-; verbo-.