nom-, nomen-, nomin-, -nomia, -nomic
(Latin: name)
Don't confuse this element with the Greek nomo- which means "law"; or with nomo- meaning "meadow, pasture" and by extension, "acute ulcerative process" and "gangrene".
An intense hostility or aversion for a particular name or for specific names: Lisa’s grandmother was a teacher who had developed nomomisia for certain kids named David, Steven, and Michael because they caused her so many severe headaches and emotional problems as a result of their disorderly conduct, rudeness, and vicious behaviors in her classes.
The naming of diseases; especially, by classifications.
Indecent language in which another person is called a vulgar word.
1. The study and history of names.
2. The study of the origin, history, and use of proper names.
2. The study of the origin, history, and use of proper names.
A humorous play on words; pun, punning, wordplay.
Mental disorder characterized by the incorrect naming of objects or the inability to name them.
1. Relating to or composed of several names or terms.
2. In biology, a taxonomic designation having more than two terms. or names of plants or animals consisting of descriptive phrases of more than three words, as those in use before binomial nomenclature.
3. A mathematical expression of two or more terms.
2. In biology, a taxonomic designation having more than two terms. or names of plants or animals consisting of descriptive phrases of more than three words, as those in use before binomial nomenclature.
3. A mathematical expression of two or more terms.
polynomial, multinomial
Used to describe a mathematical expression that has more than two terms, or a system of taxonomic nomenclature that uses more than two names.
praenomen, praenominal
In ancient Rome, someone’s first name.