mort-, mor-, mori-, morti- +
(Latin: death, dead; die, dying)
Satius est ratioine aequitatis mortem oppetere quam fugere et inhoneste vivere.
It is better to die for a good cause than to flee and live without honor.
Motto of Otto I, "The Great" (936-973). The son of Henry I, Otto I was crowned king at Aachen, Germany, in 936 and received the imperial crown in Rome in 962. With this action, the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, regarded as the legitimate successor of the Roman Empire, was established.
In 955, he ended the Magyar menace with a victory at the battle of Lechfeld near Augsburg. He asserted his authority over the church of the country; German bishoprics everywhere were headed by bishops loyal to him. He is buried in the cathedral of Magdeburg, Germany.
1. Self-administered punishment, often as prescribed by religious precepts, because of some perceived fault or flaw.
2. Voluntary self-punishment in order to atone for some wrongdoing.
2. Voluntary self-punishment in order to atone for some wrongdoing.
1. An unintended death: The city coroner ruled that Rob's death was in fact an example of tychemortia because he slipped and fell off the building he was working on.
2. Etymology: The tyche in this case is related to the mythological Greek goddess of "chance".
2. Etymology: The tyche in this case is related to the mythological Greek goddess of "chance".
Ultimum supplicium esse mortem solam interpretamur.
The most extreme punishment we consider to be death alone: used in law.