miso-, mis-, -misia
(Greek: hate, hater, hatred; disgust for; revulsion of; contempt for; abhorrence of)
Don't confuse this miso-, mis- unit with the following units: mis-, "bad, wrong"; miss-, -miss, -mis- "send, throw".
misanthropize (verb), misanthropizes; misanthropized; misanthropizing
To hate mankind or all human beings: When people misanthropize others, they can compensate for their solitary lives by getting a dog or cat as their companion, because no one else will want to associate with them.
1. A disgusting feeling about all of mankind; or a profound morbid distrust of human beings, individually and collectively: Being informed daily by the media and seeing and hearing about the never-ending disasters and wars around the world, a sense of misanthropy has developed in some people, causing them to stay home and not to go traveling to other places anymore.
2. A pessimistic distrust of people in general which is expressed in thoughts and behavior: After being extremely disappointed by his school friends, when he was young; and his girlfriend, when she stole his money and went away with another guy, Martin developed a misanthropy and decided he would live by himself and not get involved with any further relationships.
2. A pessimistic distrust of people in general which is expressed in thoughts and behavior: After being extremely disappointed by his school friends, when he was young; and his girlfriend, when she stole his money and went away with another guy, Martin developed a misanthropy and decided he would live by himself and not get involved with any further relationships.
Without Contraries is no progression. Attraction and Repulsion, Reason and Energy, Love and Hate, are necessary to Human existence.
A strong urge not to get undressed in front of anyone else: Susan always had a misapodysis about changing her clothes in the presence of the other girls in the dressing room for P.E. because she didn’t want them to see her deformed body that resulted from poliomyelitis when she was younger.
A hater of governments or any authorities that determine how their citizens are to be controlled in their countries: The existence of misarchists might involve living in societies where there is a disobedience of laws, constant protesting against the politicians, avoiding the payment of taxes, etc.
An animosity or loathing of those who control and make decisions for a country and those who enforce the laws: After getting traffic fines at various times for driving too fast, not paying parking fees, passing through traffic lights when they were yellow and turning red before he got through, etc.; Jack had a feeling of misarchy against the police.
1. A person who is a stingy hoarder of money and possessions and who doesn’t share or spend any of it with anyone else: Although David Williams was wealthy, he was a miser who lived a miserable life alone and without any friends.
2. Etymology: from "miserable person, wretch," from Latin miser, "unhappy, wretched, pitiable, in distress"; of unknown origin.
2. Etymology: from "miserable person, wretch," from Latin miser, "unhappy, wretched, pitiable, in distress"; of unknown origin.
The original sense is now obsolete, the main modern meaning of "money-hoarding person" comes from an assumed unhappiness of such a person.
This word is not derived from the Greek miso- (hate) element even though there is a similarity in form, and also that a miser is usually hated or despised.
Anyone who hates kings or royalty: As beggars on the streets of London, James and his fellow poverty stricken misobasilists, would rather not see the excessive luxury of the monarchies while so many others had next to nothing.
An abnormal sense of disdain or fear of anything new or strange; sometimes expressed as an obsessive desire or preference for the preservation of the status quo or the way things are now in the present time: As miscainias, Timothy and his wife never went abroad any more because they never felt at ease with the different smells, odd food, uncustomary modes of dress, and even the noises in the streets which disturbed them very much.
misocapnic (adjective), more misocapnic, most misocapnic
A reference to anyone who loathes or has a vehement dislike of tobacco smoke and those who cause it: Susan's mother never let anyone into the house who puffed on a cigarette, cigar, or pipe; because as a misocapnic person, she was quite adamant against it and never went to a restaurant which allowed people to indulge in this habit.

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1. A person who has an intense animosity against smoking or having anyone around who is polluting the air in the immediate vicinity with tobacco smoke, whether from cigarettes or cigars or from any similar process of smoke distribution: Lynn’s mother was considered to be a misocapnist, sending anyone away who was holding a "cancer stick" in his or her hands and not permitting them to come into her house!
2. Anyone who fears smoke exhausts from motor vehicles which are blamed for causing so much pollution in the air: The smell of car and truck emissions made Cindy so sick to her stomach that she decided to live in the forest away from such pollution, and her friends, who were also misocapnists and had similar problems, went to live with her!
2. Anyone who fears smoke exhausts from motor vehicles which are blamed for causing so much pollution in the air: The smell of car and truck emissions made Cindy so sick to her stomach that she decided to live in the forest away from such pollution, and her friends, who were also misocapnists and had similar problems, went to live with her!
Here is a capnophobia link, Part 1 of 4, with images and information for a better understanding of capnophobiacs and why they hate smoking as related to the dangerous practice of smokers.
A hatred of tobacco smoke in all or specific forms: Dr. Jackson had patients who smoked and many of them even developed lung cancer and died; so, his misocapny regarding smoking convinced him to hang up posters and have pamphlets about the horrendous dangers of inhaling such fumes all of which were made available for his patients to see.
An animosity for the clergy or religious leaders: Irene developed a misoclere after being extremely disappointed with the behavior of certain priests and since she could no longer support the religious organization, she wrote a letter to the primates, or bishops, about this and she was promptly expelled from the congregation.
Anyone who abhors dogs: Whenever George's sister came to visit, he would not allow her to bring her dog into his house because he was a misocynist and didn't want to have his residence polluted with dog hairs, fleas, or any other forms of contamination.
A hatred of dogs and not wanting to be near them at any time or in any place: When Irving was a little boy, he was attacked by a bull terrier and had to be in a hospital for weeks; and so, since then, he has had a misocyny, or a repugnance for all kinds of canines, because of this horrible experience.
Usually a child who hates practicing the piano when he or she would rather be playing outside or doing something else in his or her home: Being a misodoctakleidist is not unusual among boys and girls who are learning to play a keyboard instrument because it is much more difficult to have fun with such an activity than it is to be doing other things with friends or family members.