loqu-, -loquence, -loquent, -loquently, -loquy, -iloquent, -iloquently
(Latin: talk, speak, say)
This loqu unit is directly related to the "talk, speak, say, word, speech" locu- family unit.
The condition or quality of being loquacious; talkativeness: Because of Lynn's loquacity, there was never a dull moment at the dinner party.
loquent, loquence, loquency
Speaking, talking.
magniloquent (adjective), more magniloquent, most magniloquent
Referring to the way people talk or write in a pompous manner by showing extravagance in their speech: In order to impress his teacher, Sam typed his essay in a quite magniloquent style, with flowery and high-sounding expressions.

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magniloquy (adjective); more magniloquy, most magniloquy
Characterized by or descriptive of a bombastic style or manner of talking that is not sincere: Some politicians are known to give magniloquy presentations and speeches for TV and other public occasions in order to impress their voters.
Communication between individuals who can't hear: The system of maniloquism is used by the deaf who use symbols made with the hands and fingers.
1. Speaking sweetly or harmoniously.
2. Literally, “honey-tongued”; a glib or fluent speaker.
3. Pertaining to a smooth talker or a con artist.
2. Literally, “honey-tongued”; a glib or fluent speaker.
3. Pertaining to a smooth talker or a con artist.
melliloquently (adverb), more melliloquently, most melliloquently
A reference to talking in a harmonious or sweet manner.
mendaciloquent (adjective), more mendaciloquent, most mendaciloquent
Telling artful lies or presenting false words: The governor's mendaciloquent excuses that he was innocent of charges that he was taking drugs didn't convince anyone because pictures revealed the truth.
multiloquacious (adjective), more multiloquacious, most multiloquacious
Regarding a person who talks very much; very talkative; loquacious: Frank's girlfriend was quite multiloquacious because she loved to chatter with anybody, even in different languages!
Talking a great deal; talkative.
Loquacious, gabby; excessive talking.
Nescio de quo loqueris.
I don't know what you're talking about.
1. A state or condition of disgrace resulting from public abuse or defamation: The head of the secret police resigned in obloquy because his department's secrets had been leaked to the press.
2. Evil-speaking directed against a person or thing; abuse, detraction, calumny, or slander: The newspapers engaged in vicious obloquies against the corrupt city official.
3. Evil reputation, bad repute; a disgrace: The gangster tried to make up for his history of obloquies by donating great sums of money to charities.
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2. Evil-speaking directed against a person or thing; abuse, detraction, calumny, or slander: The newspapers engaged in vicious obloquies against the corrupt city official.
3. Evil reputation, bad repute; a disgrace: The gangster tried to make up for his history of obloquies by donating great sums of money to charities.

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Talking about everything; speaking about everything or on all subjects.
Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.":
Quotes: Language,Part 1;
Quotes: Language, Part 2;
Quotes: Language, Part 3;