loqu-, -loquence, -loquent, -loquently, -loquy, -iloquent, -iloquently

(Latin: talk, speak, say)

This loqu unit is directly related to the "talk, speak, say, word, speech" locu- family unit.

A modification of the voice sounds, by which they are intensified and heightened in pitch; observed in auscultation of the chest in certain cases of intro-thoracic disease.
cacoëthes loquendi, cacoethes loquendi (a Latin expression)
Compulsive talking or an uncontrollable desire for excessive talking or making speeches: An example of cacoëthes loquendi is anyone who goes on talking and talking and won't stop; or who talks more and says less.
capriloquism (s) (noun), capriloquisms (pl)
1. Egophony, or increased resonance of voice sound: Capriloquism has a high-pitched bleating characteristic, like that of a goat.

Capriloquism is also known as "bronchoegophony", "egobronchophony", "tragophonia", and "tragophony".
2. Etymology: from Latin caper, "goat", + loquor, "to speak".

Amphoric voice or denoting the sound heard in percussion and auscultation, resembling the noise made by blowing across the mouth of an empty bottle.

Auscultation is the medical act of listening for sounds within the body, chiefly for ascertaining the condition of the lungs, heart, pleura, abdomen and other organs, and for the detection of pregnancy.

circumloquacious (adjective), more circumloquacious, most circumloquacious
Referring to someone who is using excessive language to evade a question, to obscure the truth, or to change the subject.
colloquia (pl)
1. Addresses to an academic meeting or seminar.
2. Academic meetings or seminars usually led by a different lecturer and on a different topic at each meeting.
colloquial (adjective), more colloquial, most colloquial
1. Appropriate to, used in, or characteristic of spoken language or of writing that is used to create the effect of conversation: When giving an informal talk at the end of his teaching career, Mr. Smart used colloquial, or familiar and everyday language, which was the common way of talking, as opposed to formal speaking.
2. Characteristic of, or proper to, ordinary conversation: When talking to his peers, Jeff used colloquial terms when speaking English, as distinguished from formal or elevated language.
1. A form of speech or phrase proper to, or characteristic of, ordinary conversation; a colloquial expression.
2. An informal word or phrase that is more common in normal conversation than in formal speech or writing.
Informal words or expressions which are more suitable for use in speech than in writing.
A person who excels in the use of colloquialisms or informal expressions.
To make colloquial, informal, and familiar; such as, to colloquialize one's style of writing.
1. A reference to the use of colloquial expressions.
2. Used in, or characteristic of familiar, and informal conversation.
Someone who takes part in a normal conversation.
colloquium (s)
1. A conversation, dialogue, colloquy.
2. A meeting or an assembly for discussions; a conference, a council; specifically, an academic conference.
3. An academic conference or seminar in which a particular topic is discussed, often with guest speakers.
colloquize, colloquizes; colloquized, colloquizing (verbs)
1. To converse or talk in a formal way: "The judge colloquized with the defendant about his legal rights in the trial."
2. To have a formal discussion or conference: "The Senate was colloquizing about the bill presented by the House of Representatives."
Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.": cit-; clam-; dic-; fa-; -farious; glosso-; glotto-; lalo-; linguo-; locu-; logo-; mythico-; -ology; ora-; -phasia; -phemia; phon-; phras-; Quotes: Language,Part 1; Quotes: Language, Part 2; Quotes: Language, Part 3; serm-; tongue; voc-.