halio-, hali-, halo-, hal-
(Greek > Latin: salt or "the sea")
Don't confuse this halio-, halo-, hal- unit with another hal- unit which means "breathe, breath".
halolimnic (adjective) (not comparable)
Describing marine organisms so modified that they can live in fresh water; halilimnic: There are a few gastropods that are halolimnic creatures and can be found in some African lakes.
A branch of chemistry that deals with salts; halotechny: Professor Malloy talked about halology, which was important for his topic on oceans and seas.
Divination with the use of salt: Halomancy involves the interpretation of the shapes which are formed after salt is thrown onto a surface or by throwing salt into flames and observing the nature of the flames, their color, speed, and direction.
An instrument for measuring the external form, angles, and planes of salts and crystals; goniometer: In college, Jane's professor showed the students a halometer which could calculate the outside shapes of salts.
The measurement of the external forms of salt crystals: Part of the assignment during the seminar was concerned with halometry and each student had the required equipment to complete the task in finding out the exact structures of the crystals.
halomorphic (adjective) (not comparable)
Containing, or developed under the influence of large quantities of neutral or alkali salts: The soil in Mrs. Smith's backyard proved to be halomorphic and had both kinds of salts, very suitable for the cultivation of the plants she wanted to have!
halopelagic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to organisms of the salty sea: The halopelagic life cycle of some of the deep-sea creatures in the ocean was very interesting for the students in Prof. Brown's seminar.
The retention of salt by the body: After her physical examination, Dr. Thompson diagnosed Judy as having halopexia, and told her to reduce the amount of salt per day in order to improve her condition.
Archaebacteria that depend on a salt-rich environment for development and viability: Without a high salt concentration, halophils cannot survive, as with halobacteria.
A microorganism requiring a high concentration of salt for optimal growth: Halophiles are extremophiles named after the Greek term "salt-loving" and are classified in the sector of Archaea.
halophilic (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to or characterized by an affinity for salt: Some of the species of halophilic microorganisms can be found in the Great Salt Lake in Utah, USA that has a salt concentration of more than 5 times than that of an ocean.
halophilous (adjective), more halophilous, most halophilous
Referring to organisms that exist in saline habitats; halophilic: Hlophilous plants and animals cannot thrive, or have an extreme difficulty to survive, in the harsh environment of the Dead Sea, which has a salinity of 34% in 2011.
An organism that grows in or can tolerate saline conditions: The development of a halophily is enhanced by or dependent on a high concentration of salt.
Any creature that is intolerant of saline life: Such halophobes are incapable of surviving in salty environments.
The revulsion or dread of salt or of salty food: Being strongly affected by halophobia, Thomas detested sodium chloride with his meals and so he didn't have it on the table and just ate fruit and vegetables without the extra seasoning.
Related "salt" unit:
Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving the "sea" and the "ocean" bodies of water: abysso- (bottomless); Atlantic; batho-, bathy- (depth); bentho- (deep, depth); mare, mari- (sea); necto-, nekto- (swimming); oceano-; pelago- (sea, ocean); plankto- (drifting); thalasso- (sea, ocean).