fa-, fam-, fan-, fant-, fat-, -fess; fab-, fabul-
(Latin: fari-, "to say, to talk"; telling, speak, say, spoken about; acknowledge)
famously (adverb), more famously, most famously
1. In a manner or to an extent that is well known.
2. In a celebrated manner, or a superlative fashion.
2. In a celebrated manner, or a superlative fashion.
fantabulous (adjective), more fantabulous, most fantabulous
1. Marvelously excellent, of the highest quality.
2. Extremely good, fine, or desirable; excellent; wonderful.
3. Etymology: a slang term consisting of a blend of fantastic and fabulous.
2. Extremely good, fine, or desirable; excellent; wonderful.
3. Etymology: a slang term consisting of a blend of fantastic and fabulous.
fatal (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Controlled or decreed by fate; predetermined: Certain diseases can be fatal or deadly.
2. Descriptive of something that causes or capable of causing death: Karla's brother died in a fatal car accident.
3. Referring to something that causes destruction, disaster, or ruin: The burglar made a fatal mistake in his undertaking and got caught.
4.Concerning an important or decisive stage or step in a process or series of events: While working on his last term paper, Jim made the fatal mistake of clicking on "delete" and not being able to retrieve it again.
5. Etymology: from Latin fata, fatum, "thing spoken (by the gods), one's destiny"; from fari, "to speak".
2. Descriptive of something that causes or capable of causing death: Karla's brother died in a fatal car accident.
3. Referring to something that causes destruction, disaster, or ruin: The burglar made a fatal mistake in his undertaking and got caught.
4.Concerning an important or decisive stage or step in a process or series of events: While working on his last term paper, Jim made the fatal mistake of clicking on "delete" and not being able to retrieve it again.
5. Etymology: from Latin fata, fatum, "thing spoken (by the gods), one's destiny"; from fari, "to speak".
1. The belief that all events are predetermined and therefore inevitable.
3. An attitude of resignation and passivity that results from the belief that people are powerless against fate.
A submissive attitude to events, resulting from such a a belief.
2. A philosophical doctrine holding that all events are predetermined in advance for all time and human beings are powerless to change them.3. An attitude of resignation and passivity that results from the belief that people are powerless against fate.
1. An occurrence of death by accident, in war, or from disease.
2. An event or train of events thought to be determined by fate.
2. An event or train of events thought to be determined by fate.
fatally (adverb) (not comparable)
1. With disastrous consequences or implications.
2. So as to cause death; mortally: "He was fatally injured."
3. According to the decree of destiny; inevitably.
2. So as to cause death; mortally: "He was fatally injured."
3. According to the decree of destiny; inevitably.
1. Literally, something spoken (by the gods): "The Romans had an ancient belief that fate was the sentence of the gods and that whatever the gods said was what would happen to them."
2. The force or principle believed to predetermine events.
3. A consequence or final result.
4. Destiny or something that inevitably happens to someone or something.
5. An unhappy consequence or a disastrous or ruinous outcome.
2. The force or principle believed to predetermine events.
3. A consequence or final result.
4. Destiny or something that inevitably happens to someone or something.
5. An unhappy consequence or a disastrous or ruinous outcome.
Fates and their decisions; an old Greek story.
fated (adjective) (not comparable)
Believed to be controlled or predetermined by divine will or destiny.
fateful (adjective), more fateful, most fateful
1. After which an important, often dire consequence, seems to have been made inevitable.
2. Predetermined or controlled by divine forces.
3. Foretelling what is to come; especially, when it is something disastrous.
2. Predetermined or controlled by divine forces.
3. Foretelling what is to come; especially, when it is something disastrous.
fay (noun), fays (pl)
A fairy, elf, or other small supernatural being from folklore: "Kendra read a story to her son about a fay that was a tiny imaginary being in human form who was presented as being clever, mischievous, and who had some magical capabilities."
A dangerously attractive woman: "Bernadette was considered to be beautiful and seductive; however, she was also thought to be a dangerous woman because she influenced men into dangerous or compromising situations."
ill-fated (adjective), more ill-fated, most ill-fated
1. Destined for misfortune; doomed.
2. Marked by or causing misfortune; unlucky.
2. Marked by or causing misfortune; unlucky.
1. Something that is too sacred to be spoken: "Some religions have an ineffability or restrictions regarding speaking the name of a deity or certain sacred references."
2. That which can not be expressed or which is indescribable: "Ignacio's art works are regarded as ineffabilities of beauty because so many people find it difficult to find the words to describe such beauty."
2. That which can not be expressed or which is indescribable: "Ignacio's art works are regarded as ineffabilities of beauty because so many people find it difficult to find the words to describe such beauty."
ineffable (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Characterizing an incapability of expressing one's feelings in words: After Leticia recovered from her coma, she felt ineffable happiness when she saw her children again.
2. Relating to something that is so great that it can't be verbally communicated or described: When Caleb won the singing contest, he was overcome with ineffable joy and excitement.

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2. Relating to something that is so great that it can't be verbally communicated or described: When Caleb won the singing contest, he was overcome with ineffable joy and excitement.

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ineffably (adverb), more ineffably, most ineffably
1. Descriptive of how something is indescribable: The poems Mrs. Smithson wrote were ineffably touching.
2. Concerning how something is incapable of being expressed in words: Jane was ineffably sad and depressed and missed her mother who had died recently after suffering so much.
2. Concerning how something is incapable of being expressed in words: Jane was ineffably sad and depressed and missed her mother who had died recently after suffering so much.
Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.":
Quotes: Language,Part 1;
Quotes: Language, Part 2;
Quotes: Language, Part 3;
Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "divination, diviner; seer, soothsayer, prophecy, prophesy, prophet": augur-; auspic-; Fates in action; futur-; -mancy; omen; -phemia; sorc-, sorcery; vati-.