dic-, dict-
(Latin: talk, speak, say, tell, declare; to proclaim)
1. An unpleasant or dangerous condition or position: Sparky, the lively kitten, was always getting itself into predicaments, such as climbing a tree and not being able to get down.
2. A complicated, perplexing situation from which it is difficult to disentangle oneself: The government assistance department attempted to explain the dangerous predicaments which were facing journalists who were going to certain foreign countries.

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2. A complicated, perplexing situation from which it is difficult to disentangle oneself: The government assistance department attempted to explain the dangerous predicaments which were facing journalists who were going to certain foreign countries.

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1. Someone who affirms, or proclaims; specifically, characterized by a preacher: A large congregation was in the local church listening to their predicant who was presenting and explaining passages from the Bible.
2. Etymology: from Latin praedicans, "a declaration"; from the verb praedicare, in ecclesiastical Latin, "to preach".

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2. Etymology: from Latin praedicans, "a declaration"; from the verb praedicare, in ecclesiastical Latin, "to preach".

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1. That part of a sentence or clause that has a verb which says something about the subject or the object: An example of a predicate is "went home" in the sentence, "Jack and Jill went home".
2. Etymology: from Latin, praedicatum, "something declared" and praedicatus,"declared, proclaimed"; from the verb praedicare; from prae, "beforehand" + dicare, "to make known".
2. Etymology: from Latin, praedicatum, "something declared" and praedicatus,"declared, proclaimed"; from the verb praedicare; from prae, "beforehand" + dicare, "to make known".
predicate (PRED i kayt") (verb), predicates; predicated; predicating
To assert, to affirm; to make a statement: The politician said he predicated his view points on facts, not mere speculations or opinions.
1. A proclamation of something which is considered to be affirmed: "The university president issued a predication that all classes would be cancelled if the football team won the trophy at the game next week."
2. That which can be the basis for an argument: "The two friends got into a friendly argument about the predication of the election which was announced over the radio."
2. That which can be the basis for an argument: "The two friends got into a friendly argument about the predication of the election which was announced over the radio."
A word that is a constituent of a part of a sentence, together with the subject, object, and adjunct: In formal terms, a verb is the predicator, because its function is to state something about the noun that expresses the action or that which is explained by the verb.
predict (verb), predicts; predicted; predicting
To foretell, to prophesy, or to announce an event, etc. before it happens: Unemployment data is predicted to be higher following month.
Weather forecasters are said to be in the only profession that can predict events and be wrong so often and still stay in business.
predictable (adjective), more predictable, most predictable
1. Concerning something which happens or turns out in the way that is anticipated or probable: With so much financial backing by special interests, the predictable results of the politician's election were expected.
2. Pertaining to a person or an animal that behaves in a way that is likely to be true: Nancy said she knew her father to be predictable and say that she couldn't go to the dance and stay out until midnight.
2. Pertaining to a person or an animal that behaves in a way that is likely to be true: Nancy said she knew her father to be predictable and say that she couldn't go to the dance and stay out until midnight.
predictably (adverb), more predictably, most predictably
Referring to how something is able to be anticipated or expected: The Senator made a predictably hostile interruption when the man started to criticize him about his political position.
1. The action of foretelling future events, also an instance of this; a prophecy: The gossipy ladies made a prediction that Susan, the orphan daughter of their friend, would marry within the year.
2. A statement that is made before something actually happens: The newspaper published a prediction that gold would be found on the remote island, and it proved to be true!
2. A statement that is made before something actually happens: The newspaper published a prediction that gold would be found on the remote island, and it proved to be true!
A person who, or that which, foretells or indicates that something is going to happen before it actually takes place: Quite often weather forecasters are accurate predictors.
Quasi in rem jurisdiction. (Latin legal statement)
Translation: "A type of jurisdiction of a court based on a person's interest in property within the jurisdiction of the court."
Quasi in rem jurisdiction refers to proceedings that are brought against the defendant personally; yet it is the defendant's interest in the property that serves as the basis of the jurisdiction.
Quotes: Dictionary, Dictionaries
A book that is bound to be used: dictionary quotes.
rededicate (ri DED i kayt") (verb), rededicates; rededicated; rededicating
1. To set something apart for a particular purpose again: A TV program was rededicated to the study of cats and their special relationships with people.
2. To commit one's life to achieving special objectives over and over: Doris rededicates her life everyday to provide a better understanding of vocabulary entries so more words can be comprehended by users; especially, students who fail to find such information available in most dictionaries.
2. To commit one's life to achieving special objectives over and over: Doris rededicates her life everyday to provide a better understanding of vocabulary entries so more words can be comprehended by users; especially, students who fail to find such information available in most dictionaries.
Harm that is done to another person, or people, as punishment for what was done to the one who wants to get even for the suffering he or she has experienced: "Revenge usually stresses retaliation by the person, or those who were wronged or offended, and to pay back such actions with retribution or justified punishment."
Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.":
Quotes: Language,Part 1;
Quotes: Language, Part 2;
Quotes: Language, Part 3;