A congenital deformity in which the head is not apparent.
Having concealed “horns” or antennae.
Made up of minute fragmental particles, often used to designate a type of rock.
The climate of the inside of a building, airliner, or space ship; as distinguished from that on the outside.
1. A fungal infection characterized by nodular lesions, first in the lungs and then spreading to the nervous system.
2. An acute, subacute, or chronic infection by the fungal organism, Cryptococcus neoformans.
Infection generally causes a pulmonary (lung) infection but it may also spread to the meninges.
The pulmonary form is generally mild and transient (often unrecognized).
With dissemination, lesions may occur in the skeletal, cutaneus, and visceral tissues. The most commonly recognized dissemination is to the central nervous system (meningitis).
A reference to rocks that are composed of crystals too small to be seen with a petrological microscope.
A congenital anomaly in which one fetus is concealed within another fetus.
Relating to hidden force.
(s) (noun), cryptofaunas
The animals of protected or concealed microhabitats: During the night, many kinds of
cryptofauna come out from small spaces of the shelves of reefs and coral substrate.
The cryptofauna constitute a category of animals which contribute an important reef ecosystems because these organisms present a high level of diversity, in terms of both different age levels and occupying spaces.
The various cryptofaunas are considered to be important as food for fish and other creatures on coral reefs.
A lower plant, lacking conspicuous reproductive structures such as flowers or cones or a plant that does not have apparent reproductive organs.
A large division of the vegetable kingdom, being the last class in the Linnean Sexual system, and comprising those plants that have no stamens or pistils, and therefore no proper flowers; including ferns, mosses, algae, lichens, liverworts, horsetails, club mosses, and fungi.
One who is proficient in cryptogamic botany, i.e., the study of plants, such as ferns and mosses, that have no true flowers or seeds.
A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "secret, hidden, confidential, concealed":
stego-, stegano-.