cred-, credit-, creed-
(Latin: believe, belief; faith; confidence; trust)
1. A set of guiding principles or religious beliefs: Creed can refer both to the statement of beliefs of a religion and the the religion itself.
The term creed also applies to guiding principles; such as, reducing the size of company expenses has become the central creed for many corporate executives.
2. Etymology: from Latin credo, "I believe".
discredit (verb), discredits; discredited; discrediting
1. Loss or want of credit; impaired reputation; disrepute, reproach; an instance of this.
2. Loss or want of belief or confidence; disbelief, distrust.
3. To show to be unworthy of belief; to take away the credibility of; to destroy confidence in.
4. To injure the credit or reputation of; to bring into discredit, disrepute, or loss of esteem; to disparage, degrade, defame, and slander.
2. Loss or want of belief or confidence; disbelief, distrust.
3. To show to be unworthy of belief; to take away the credibility of; to destroy confidence in.
4. To injure the credit or reputation of; to bring into discredit, disrepute, or loss of esteem; to disparage, degrade, defame, and slander.
discreditably (adverb), more discreditably, most discreditably
Regarding how shame or dishonor disgraces someone's good name or reputation; disreputably: Susan's discreditably scandalous behavior caused her to lose her job.
discredited (adjective), more discredited, most discredited
Brought into discredit or disrepute; that which has lost credit.
Generally the theories we believe we call facts, and the facts we disbelieve we call theories.
1. A sum of money given by the government or some other organization to fund such things as education or research.
2. Something given to someone as a favor or privilege, or the giving of it; such as a land grant.
3. In law, something transferred from one person to another in a legal transaction, or the making of such a transaction.
4. A legal document recording a transaction in which something is transferred from one person to another.
5. To admit as true what is not proven; to allow; to yield; to concede: James takes it for granted that Carine is telling him the truth.
6. Etymology: from about 1200, "what is agreed to", from Anglo-French graunter, from Old French granter, a variant of creanter, "to promise, to guarantee, to confirm, to authorize," which came from Latin credentem, a form of credens; also a form of credere, "to believe, to trust".
2. Something given to someone as a favor or privilege, or the giving of it; such as a land grant.
3. In law, something transferred from one person to another in a legal transaction, or the making of such a transaction.
4. A legal document recording a transaction in which something is transferred from one person to another.
5. To admit as true what is not proven; to allow; to yield; to concede: James takes it for granted that Carine is telling him the truth.
6. Etymology: from about 1200, "what is agreed to", from Anglo-French graunter, from Old French granter, a variant of creanter, "to promise, to guarantee, to confirm, to authorize," which came from Latin credentem, a form of credens; also a form of credere, "to believe, to trust".
grant (verb), grants; granted; granting
1. To agree to allow a request, a favor, or a privilege.
2. To acknowledge, often reluctantly, the truth or efficacy of something.
3. To transfer money, property or rights to someone in a legal transaction.
2. To acknowledge, often reluctantly, the truth or efficacy of something.
3. To transfer money, property or rights to someone in a legal transaction.
Someone to whom something is transferred in a legal transaction; a recipient of a grant.
grantor, granter
1. Someone who makes a grant.
2. Anyone who conveys property or a right in property by deed.
3. An organization, which provides aid in the form of grants, as for education, research, etc.
2. Anyone who conveys property or a right in property by deed.
3. An organization, which provides aid in the form of grants, as for education, research, etc.
The quality or fact of being incredibile; a thing that cannot be believed; an incredible notion or circumstance.
incredible (in KRED uh buhl) (adjective), more incredible, most incredible
1. Descriptive of something that cannot be believed or related to that which is beyond belief: Informally incredible is often used to mean unexpectedly or astonishingly large or great; surprising; too good to be possible, exceptionally talented or enjoyable.
2. Etymology: from Latin incredibilis, "that which cannot be believed"; from in, "not" + credibitis, "worthy of belief".

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2. Etymology: from Latin incredibilis, "that which cannot be believed"; from in, "not" + credibitis, "worthy of belief".

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In an incredible manner or degree, in a way or to an extent that is impossible or very difficult to believe; to an extent that one would not have believed possible; exceedingly, extremely.
1. A disbelieving frame of mind; unreadiness or unwillingness to believe (statements, etc.); disbelief.
2. A state or feeling of disbelief.
2. A state or feeling of disbelief.
There are two ways to slide easily through life; to believe everything or to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking.