capno-, capn-, capnod-

(Greek: smoke; vapor; sooty [extended meaning is carbon dioxide])

acapnia (s) (noun), acapnias (pl)
1. Literally, the absence of carbon dioxide; however, the term is used to indicate less than the normal amount of carbon dioxide in the blood and tissues: The doctor was concerned about the acapnia in the patient’s blood.

Symptoms of acapnia include depressed respiration, giddiness, paresthesia (abnormal sensation like "burning"), cramps, involuntary contraction of the fingers, and occasionally convulsions.

Acapnea is a misspelling of acapnia.

2. Etymology: from Latin acapnos, "without smoke"; from Greek akapnos, a-, "not" + kapnos, "smoke" (carbon dioxide).
acapnic (adjective), more acapnic, most acapnic
Pertaining to or referring to a condition in which the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is lower than normal that often results from deep or rapid breathing.
acapnotic (s) (noun), acapnotics (pl)
1. A person who is liberated from the habit of smoking: "As a condition of marriage, the woman's husband-to-be stipulated that the bride would have to become an acapnotic."
2. Those who are nonsmokers: "Whenever these acapnotics came together in a restaurant, they openly expressed their dislike of anyone who was smoking near them."
capneic (adjective), more capneic, most capneic
Under conditions of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; said of the incubation of bacterial cultures.
capnocytophaga (s) (noun), capnocytophagas (pl)
A genus of Gram-negative, fusiform bacteria that require carbon dioxide for growth and exhibit gliding motility; associated with human periodontal disease.
capnodous (adjective), more capnodous, most capnodous
Smoky gray.
capnodulia (s) (noun), capnodulias (pl)
The habit of smoking.
capnogenous (adjective), more capnogenous, most capnogenous
A reference to the cause smoking.
capnogram (s) (noun), capnograms (pl)
A continuous record of the carbon dioxide content of a person's expired air.
capnograph (s) (noun), capnographs (pl)
1. An instrument by which a continuous graph of the carbon dioxide content of expired air is obtained.
2. A system for monitoring the concentration of exhaled carbon dioxide, consisting of a sensor placed in the breathing circuit or a tube that carries part of the exhaled gases to the analyzing device, a mass spectrometer or an infrared spectrometer, and devices to provide continuous visual (cathode ray tube) and graphic (printer) displays.
capnography (s) (noun), capnographies (pl)
Monitoring of the concentration of exhaled carbon dioxide in order to assess the physiologic status of patients with acute respiratory problems or who are receiving mechanical ventilation and to determine the adequacy of ventilation in anesthetized patients.
capnolagnia (s) (noun), capnolagnias (pl)
Sexual arousal when watching other people smoke.
capnomancy, kapnomancy (s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination made by observing smoke patterns from a fire: In the book Sam was reading, capnomancy involved the patterns of smoky clouds rising from victims who were sacrificed by fire.

Capnomancy also concerned breathing in the smoke of the sacrificial fire and making prophetic evaluations.

capnomania (s) (noun), capnomanias (pl)
An obsessive or uncontrollable desire or habit of smoking one or more tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc.) which may also be defined as an addiction.

See the pages at this Capnomania-Fumimania link, Part 1 where you may see special images and information for a better understanding of smoking and smokers.

capnomaniac (s) (noun), capnomaniacs (pl)
A person, or people, who have an obsessive or uncontrollable desire or habit of smoking one or more tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc.) which for many is an addiction.

These words were coined by John G. Robertson in his book, An Excess of Phobias and Manias which was published in 2003 because they were not known to exist in any lexicon or other published source.

Fumi or smoke words. More related smoke words are at this fumi- unit.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "smoke, smoking": atmido-; Capnomania & Fumimania, Pt. 1; Capnophobia & Fumiphobia, Pt. 1; fumi-; nebula-; typho-.