acuto-, acut-, acuti-, acu-, -cusis; also, agu-

(Latin: sharp, to sharpen; point; needle, pin)

acuology (s) (noun) (no pl)
Research involving the use of needles for therapeutic reasons: Jack needed to attend some courses in acuology in order to treat his patients with acupuncture.
acupoint (s) (noun), acupoints (pl)
A specific place where a pin or a needle is applied: In the course Mr. Smith took, he learned where the acupoint was to situate the special needle in Tom's back.
acuporession (s) (noun), acuporessions (pl)
The compresson of bleeding vessels by the insertion of needles into adjacent tissue; acupressure: After the accident, Tim was taken to the hospital where Dr. Smart had to use acuporession to stop the hemorrhage of the wound.
acupressure (s) (noun), acupressures (pl)
1. An application of force in bodily areas used for acupuncture for therapeutic reasons: An alternative medicine technique called acupressure was used by Dr. White in which he used physical pressure on certain parts of the body to treat his patients.
2. In medicine, the compression of a bleeding vessel by inserting needles into adjacent tissue: Dr. Schneider was a specialist in using very thin pins in acupressure to stop the bleeding in Susan's wound directly after her accident.

Dr. Schneider also found the points on Mary's body for treating the areas with acupressure using his fingers and hand massage.

acupressurist (s) (noun), acupressurists (pl)
Someone who applies force to a body area for therapeutic purposes: Dr. Nelson was an acupressurist who was renown for his alternative medical treatment by using physical force on certain body parts of patients to relieve their pains.
acupunctuate (verb), acupunctuates; acupunctuated; acupunctuating
To pierce or penetrate the skin with a puncturing device: Dr. Green needed his special needles to acupunctuate certain places on Doug's body to complete the treatment he needed.
acupuncturation (s) (noun), acupuncturations (pl)
The practice or process of inserting needles into living tissue; the procedure of acupuncture: Acupuncturation is used especially for medical or therapeutical purposes and normally in alternative medicine.
acupuncture (lexicomedy)
A jab well done.
Acupuncture the hard way
acupuncture (s) (noun), acupunctures (pl)
1. The ancient oriental practice of piercing parts of the body with needles to treat diseases or to relieve pain: Acupuncture is more recently known as "acupuncture anesthesia" or "analgesia".
2. As adapted in Western medicine, the needles may be twirled or be applied as a weak electrical current; Acupuncture is also called "stylostixis".

The quickest way to experience acupuncture is to try on a new shirt.


Acupuncture has its points.


Blunt words often have the sharpest edges.

—E.C McKenzie

Acupuncture is said to be a medical treatment that starts with being stuck with a needle and ends with being stuck with a medical bill.


Historical background of acupuncture

Acupuncture, the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body in order to relieve pain or to treat illness, was developed in China more than four thousand years ago.

It is based on the idea that the body contains an essential life energy known as qi (CHEE), which flows in channels or meridians. It was believed that qi was made up of two varieties of energy, yin and yang.

In the human body, the male or yang elements indicate the capacity for "activity and transformation", while the female or yin characteristics are associated with "circulation, nourishment, and growth"; and the balance between them needs to be maintained.

The purpose of the acupuncturist is to remove barriers to the flow of qi and to restore the balance of yin and yang and such objectives are thought to be achieved by the placement of needles at certain positions on the surface of the patient's body.

—Compiled from information located in
Science, Technology, and Society;
The Impact of Science from 2000 B.C. to the 18th Century
Editors: Judson Knight, Neil Schlager, Volume 1;
Thomson Gale; New York; 2002; page 20.
acupuncture analgesia (s) (noun), acupuncture analgesias (pl)
The lack of feeling pain or very little pain which is produced by the insertion of needles at certain points on the body: The acupuncture analgesia is used to activate small myelinated nerve fibers in the muscles which transmit impulses to the spinal cord and then activate three centers including the spinal cord, the midbrain, and the pituitary or hypothalamus in order to prevent experiencing any discomfort or suffering.

acupunturist (s) (noun), acupuncturists (pl)
One who practices acupuncture: Dr. Johnson was a professional healthcare specialist in the field of acupuncture and had the title of being an acupuncturist, and believed strongly in curing patients of their ailments by the use of needles or thin pins.
acus (s) (noun), acuses (pl)
A needle: a needlelike instrument: The acus Dr. Fiske had was for sewing up the wound following the surgical operation.
acusection (s) (noun), acusections (pl)
The process of cutting by means of an electrosurgical needle; electrosurgery: Because Jane broke her arm, Dr. Tenneson had to do an acusection and make sure that the bones were set correctly
acusector (s) (noun), acusectors (pl)
An electric needle used like a scapel: The acusector Dr. S. used was for incising or cutting into tissue in order to have a sample for testing.
acutance (s) (noun) (no pl)
The sharpness of a photographic or printed image; a numerical measure of this: For his book on art, Tom needed to be sure that the clearly cut edges of the acutance of the photos were not only very good, but excellent!

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "sour, sharp": acerb-; aceto-; acid-; acies- (not "sour"); oxy-; pung- (not "sour").