acro-, acr-
(Greek: high, highest, highest point; top, tip end, outermost; extreme; extremity of the body)
2. Numbness, tingling, and/or other abnormal sensations of the extremities, for example the fingers, hands, forearms, and toes and is usually due to a carpal tunnel syndrome: Acroparesthesia can also arise from other causes and seen frequently in organic disorders, especially in peripheral nerve lesions.
There are times when acroparessthesia refers only to those unpleasant sensations that occur without any known demonstrable organic basis.
Acropathology also involves the feet and toes. Such ailments are athlete's foot, a fungal infection that primarily affects the skin between the toes and causes itchiness, sores, and cracked skin, and affects ingrown toenails of the big toes resulting in inflammation of the surrounding tissue.
Those who have acrophobia are afraid of being on high floors of buildings or even on the tops of hills or mountains and they often feel overly anxious when they approach the edge of bridges, rooftops, stairwells, and railings.
Sometimes individuals who are afflicted with acrophobia not only have an excessive fear, but they feel an uncontrollable urge to jump off.
There are some people who suffer from acrophobia and also have fantasies and physical sensations of falling even when they are standing on firm ground.
Those who are affected by acrophobia in moving platforms for people, or on escalators, balconies, and stairways, are probably fearful of altitudes just as they are with the terror of flying in aircraft.

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Another acrophonetic term is "bravo" which represents the letter "b".
The Greek, Hebrew, and Roman alphabets were derived from the early acrophonic alphabet of Canaanites.
An acrophony can be said to be the naming of a letter by a word whose initial sound is the same as that which the letter represents.
Acropigmentation is more common in persons of dark complexion.