(adjective), more acromegalic, most acromegalic
Pertaining to the enlargement of the extremities or face: An acromegalic disorder is one that is caused by an extreme amount of a growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland in a person and resulting in a continuation of the expansion of the face, hands, and feet.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
In pathology, a form of gigantism and acromegaly: Acromegalogigatism is due to a hypersecretion of the pituitary growth hormone beginning before puberty and continuing into maturity. It is characterized by an enlargement of the face and extremities.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
A bodily condition resembling acromegaly but not due to pituitary disorder; pseudoacromegaly:
Acromegaloidism can be triggered by a tumor in the lungs, in the pancreas, or in the adrenal glands.
It is often connected to an insulin resistance.
(s) (noun), acromegalies
A chronic disease of adults caused by over secretion of the pituitary gland hormones and which is characterized by an enlargement of many parts of the bones of the extremities, such as the face, the nose, the ears, the jaws, the fingers, and the toes: The beginning of
acromegaly is gradual and so neither the patient nor his or her family or friends notice it.
Early developments of acromegaly include muscular pains, headaches, and abnormal sweating. The teeth become separated, and the hands and feet gradually become bigger.
As acromegaly progresses, muscular weakness becomes a serious problem, and visual problems may progress into blindness.
acromelalgia, erythromelalgia
(s) (noun) (no pl)
A rare disorder of middle age, characterized by attacks of a severe burning pain, a reddening of the skin, hyperalgesia and sweating, involving one or more extremities:
Acromelalgia occurs usually in both feet and the attacks can be triggered by warmth, and are usually relieved by cold packs and limb elevation.
Acromelalgia is a condition affecting the extremities, especially the feet, and marked by burning and throbbing sensations that come and go.
The throbbing and burning pain in the skin is often caused by exertion or heat, affecting the hands and feet, accompanied by a dusky mottled redness of the parts with increased skin temperature.
Relating to the terminal parts of a person's extremities: An acromelic disorder usually affects the ends of an individual's limbs, like the arms or legs.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Undue, or abnormal, growth of the extremities resulting in deformity: In the fairy tale that Jenny was reading, there were strange and funny creatures, like people who were all affected with acrometagnesis with distorted hands and feet.
Referring to the bony processor the shoulder blade: The acromial bone is a prolongation of the scapular spine and is secured anteriorly, or in front.
(s) (noun), carommicrie
A condition in which the extremities of the skeleton are small and delicate; hypoplasia:
Acromicria is the underdevelopment of the toes and fingers due to defective genes.
Acromeicria is also due to developmental deficiencies of the nose and jaws, and is caused by a deficiency in the a pituitary function following puberty.
(adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to the acromion and clavicle: In his biology class at school, Bill's teacher explained to them the articulation of the acromioclavicular bones, which refer to the outermost point of the shoulder blade and the collarbone of a person.
A reference to the acromion and humerus: Following the car accident, acromiohumeral examinations were performed to see if the shoulder blade and the bone of the upper arm were not broken.
(s) (noun), acromia; acromions
The outermost part of the spine or the shoulder blade: The collarbone is attached to the outer end of the scapula which is termed the
The acromion can also be described as the lateral extension of the spine of the scapula, projecting over the shoulder joint and forming the highest point of the shoulder.
(s) (noun), acromionectomies
The partial or total surgical excision of the acromion:
Acromionectomy refers to the resection of the distal end of the acromion, done in the treatment of acromioclavicular arthritis.
The acromion is the lateral extension of the spine of the scapula, projecting over the shoulder joint and forming the highest point of the shoulder. It is also called the "acromial process" and "acromion scapulae".
(s) (noun), acromioplasties
The surgical removal of the distal inferior acromion process of the scapula: Acromioplasty is used to relieve impingement of soft tissues in the subacromial space.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The abnormal protuberance of the navel: Sometimes an acromphalus can lead to an umbilical hernia.

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