-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)
Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.
2. An action or circumstance which is proven to be reasonable or justified: Karl's decision to complete his computer programming at the university was a vindication that prepared him for his successful technical career.
2. An act that disregards an agreement or a right: "He claimed a violation of his rights under the Fifth Amendment."
3. An entry to another's property without right or permission; trespass.
4. A disrespectful act; for example, irreverence.
5. The crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will; rape.
2. Etymology: "a visit by an ecclesiastical representative to examine the condition of a parish, abbey, etc.", from Latin visitationem; from Old French visiter, from Latin visitare, "to go to see, come to inspect"; from visere "to behold, to visit" (a person or place), from the stem of videre, "to see, to notice, to observe".
2. The process of viewing, or of achieving a complete visual representation of, an object as in roentgenography.
3. Making a mental image that is similar to an actual visual perception.
4. A self-suggestive technique used in psychology which involves focusing on positive mental images in order to achieve a particular goal or purpose.
5. Any presentation of data using visual images as in computer programming.
2. Having given life to or an arousal to an activity.
3. Endowment with life and animation.
2. A process of taking or giving vitamins.
2. A change in a process that hampers a utility or reduces efficiency: Turning on only one bank of lights instead of two in the storeroom was a vitiation which made it difficult for Tom and the other workers to complete their repairs.
3. A weakening or the prevention of doing something: Breaking her leg was a vitiation of Jean's ability to run her Bed & Breakfast business efficiently.
2. In pottery, the point at which a pot loses its porosity during a firing.
3. The progressive fusion of a material during the firing process; as it proceeds, glassy bonding increases and the porosity of the fired product decreases.
4. A forming of a supercooled liquid; such as, glass.
5. The act or process of vitrifying; a state of being vitrified.
When the starting material is solid, vitrification usually involves heating the substances to very high temperatures. Many ceramics are produced in such a manner.
Vitrification also occurs naturally when lightning strikes sand, where the extreme and immediate heat can create hollow, branching rootlike structures of glass, called fulgurites (natural hollow carrot-shaped glass tubes formed in quartzose sand or soil by lightning strikes).
2. The act or process of converting into sulphuric acid or into vitriol.
Some voters are getting fed up with all of the vituperations that are being thrown back and forth during the campaign.
This vituperate image provides an example of what vituperation means.

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2. The act of being restored to life; revival.
3. Trimming of the surface layer of a wound to aid the union of tissues.
4. Transformation of protein through assimilation into the living matter of cellular organisms.