-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)

(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)

Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.

suturation (s) (noun), suturations (pl)
The application or sewing of sutures; stitching.
1. Something visible that by association or convention represents something else which is invisible.
2. A type of defense mechanism in which one idea or object comes to represent another because of the similarity or an association between them.
3. A general mechanism in all human thinking by which some mental representation comes to stand for some other thing, class of things, or an attribute of something.

This mechanism underlies dream formation and some symptoms; such as, conversion reactions, obsessions, and compulsions.

4. In psychoanalysis, an unconscious mental process during which one object, or idea, stands for something else through some part, quality, or aspect that the two share in common, with the symbol carrying the emotional feelings which are in the initial object or idea.
synchronization (s) (noun), synchronizations (pl)
The relation that is present when things happen at the same time; synchronism: The leader said that the synchronization of the hikers watches was of utmost importance.

With precise synchronisation the boys jumped into the swimming pool.

1. Organizing into or administering as a syndicate.
2. Selling an article or cartoon; for example, for publication in many magazines or newspapers at the same time: "She received a good income from the syndication of her articles and illustrations."
A gradual loss or decay; emaciation.
taxation (s) (noun), taxations (pl)
The adoption or imposition of technical methods.
telecommunication (s) (noun), telecommunications (pl)
1. The transmission of encoded sound, pictures, or data over significant distances, using radio signals or electrical or optical lines: "The secret telecommunications were picked up by the receiver that was hidden in the barn."
2. The science and technology of communication at a distance by electronic transmission of impulses, as by telegraph, cable, telephone, radio, or television.

"Telecommunications is an important area of professional growth in modern technology."

3. The electronic systems used in transmitting messages; such as, by telegraph, cable, telephone, radio, or television.

"Telecommunications were disrupted by the severe winter wind and ice storms."

4. Any process that allows a person to communicate over distances by means of an electromagnetic system, with information in the form of sound, text, images, and so on; with a telephone system: "The telecommunications that are currently available to various business complexes enhance their ability to expand and be competitive."
1. The embryologic process in the later stages of vertebrate neurulation during which the telencephalon develops as a distinct part of the prosencephalon.
2. The evolutionary process by which the control of motor functions or the representation of sensory modalities becomes progressively transferred to higher centers in the brain.
teleportation (s) (noun), teleportations (pl)
The conveyance of people; especially, of oneself or things by psychic power; also in futuristic descriptions, apparently instantaneous placement of people, etc., across space by advanced technological methods: The scientist worked feverishly in his laboratory to develop a technique of teleportation that could be put to practical use.
temeration (s) (noun) (no pl)
Outdated, temerity; boldness; rashness: The young prince showed a lot of temeration when he fought the dragon.
termination (s) (noun), terminations (pl)
The final outcome, the end of an activity, or the result of a process or action: "The termination of the union negotiations was satisfactory to all parties involved."
terrification (s) (noun), terrifications (pl)
A cause of great fear.