-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)
Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.
1. The restoration to life or consciousness of one apparently dead, it includes such measures as artificial respiration and cardiac massage.
2. Act of reviving a person and returning him or her to consciousness.
2. Act of reviving a person and returning him or her to consciousness.
1. Delay; hindrance; delayed development.
2. The process or fact of slowing down.
3. Something that acts as a delay or obstacle to progress.
4. The extent to which something is held back or delayed.
5. Sometimes a reference to the lack of normal development of intellectual capabilities.
2. The process or fact of slowing down.
3. Something that acts as a delay or obstacle to progress.
4. The extent to which something is held back or delayed.
5. Sometimes a reference to the lack of normal development of intellectual capabilities.
The inoculation of a cow with human vaccine virus.
revaccinate, revaccinates; revaccinated; revaccinating (verbs)
1. To vaccinate a second time or again.
2. Vaccination of an individual previously successfully vaccinated.
2. Vaccination of an individual previously successfully vaccinated.
1. The act of making something known to other people: A revelation is often a secret or a surprising fact that is presented to those who are not aware of what is going on or which has recently happened.

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The article in the newspaper that Tom is reading includes some shocking revelations about the local politician's personal life.
2. Etymology: from Latin revelationem; from revelare, "to reveal."

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
1. The process of going again or going back again to see someone or something.
2. A second or repeated visit.
2. A second or repeated visit.
Giving new life, or vigor, to someone or something.
There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning, and yearning.
1. The giving of new life to someone or something.
2. The restoration of life.
3. Imparting new life, energy, or spirit to someone.
4. In medicine, refreshing the edges of a wound by paring, or scraping, to promote healing.
2. The restoration of life.
3. Imparting new life, energy, or spirit to someone.
4. In medicine, refreshing the edges of a wound by paring, or scraping, to promote healing.
The act by someone having the authority of annulling, or canceling, something that was done before: Sharon was told that not paying the fine for speeding could mean a revocation of her driver's license.
1. A solemn supplication ceremony prescribed by a church: The pastor conduced the rogation as requested by his parishioners.
2. In the Christian Church, a solemn prayer or supplication; especially, one that is made as part of the observation of the three days preceding Ascension Day: Katherine requested that a special rogation in honor of her mother be said by the pastor.
3. In ancient Rome, the submission of a law by a consul, or tribune, to the people for their approval, or a law so submitted: The consul stood before the citizens and read the rogation, and then urged them to give their support.
4. Etymology: from Latin rogatio, rogationis, from rogatus, and rogare, "to ask".
2. In the Christian Church, a solemn prayer or supplication; especially, one that is made as part of the observation of the three days preceding Ascension Day: Katherine requested that a special rogation in honor of her mother be said by the pastor.
3. In ancient Rome, the submission of a law by a consul, or tribune, to the people for their approval, or a law so submitted: The consul stood before the citizens and read the rogation, and then urged them to give their support.
4. Etymology: from Latin rogatio, rogationis, from rogatus, and rogare, "to ask".