-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)
Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.
1. The use of specific marks to clarify the meanings of written material by grouping words grammatically into sentences, clauses, and phrases: Punctuation does for writing and printing what pauses and changes of voice do for speech.
2. The process or an instance of adding certain marks, such as question marks, commas, semicolons, colons, question marks, exclamation marks, quotation marks, parentheses, brackets, apostrophes, and asterisks to groups of written words: The use of punctuations provides tools to indicate pauses, quotations, and to clarify meanings or inflections (changes in the basic forms of words, such as to show tenses, singulars and plurals, etc.).
2. The process or an instance of adding certain marks, such as question marks, commas, semicolons, colons, question marks, exclamation marks, quotation marks, parentheses, brackets, apostrophes, and asterisks to groups of written words: The use of punctuations provides tools to indicate pauses, quotations, and to clarify meanings or inflections (changes in the basic forms of words, such as to show tenses, singulars and plurals, etc.).
The act of becoming a pupa (period of development of an insect that precedes the adult stage).
1. The removal of pollutants from something: The city's filtration plant is able to provide purification for large quantities of water every day.
2. The making of someone to be ceremonially clean: The priest invited his parishioners to participate in a ritual bath for the purification of their souls.
2. The making of someone to be ceremonially clean: The priest invited his parishioners to participate in a ritual bath for the purification of their souls.
1. The development of pustules.
2. Breaking out into pustules.
2. Breaking out into pustules.
A system that has four details, compartments, or pieces: The professors and deans at the local university were intrigued by the quadrifurcation of the student government which emerged after the students met with the visiting politician, because they wanted a carefully balanced form of government with each of the four branches providing oversight of each other.
1. An unintended consequence of an action, decision, or judgment that may complicate a situation or make the intended result more difficult to achieve.
2. The process of dividing or spreading out into branches.
3. Collectively, the branches of trees.
2. The process of dividing or spreading out into branches.
3. Collectively, the branches of trees.
1. Exact thinking or the process of logical and methodical reasoning: Victor used ratiocination and the available evidence to solve the crime.
2. A reasoned train of thought which is rational, valid, and exact: When asked to explain why he invested so much in the company, Larry said he used all kinds of ratiocinations before he committed himself to get involved with the newly formed business.
3. Etymology: from Latin ratiocincationem and ratiocincatio, "a reasoning", from ratiocincatu, the past participle of ratiocinare, "to calculate, to deliberate"; from ratio, "reckoning, calculation, business affair, procedure" + -cinari, which probably is related to conari, "to try".
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2. A reasoned train of thought which is rational, valid, and exact: When asked to explain why he invested so much in the company, Larry said he used all kinds of ratiocinations before he committed himself to get involved with the newly formed business.
3. Etymology: from Latin ratiocincationem and ratiocincatio, "a reasoning", from ratiocincatu, the past participle of ratiocinare, "to calculate, to deliberate"; from ratio, "reckoning, calculation, business affair, procedure" + -cinari, which probably is related to conari, "to try".

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1. A confirmation of the validity or correctness of something previously established: "His re-election was a reaffirmation of his leadership skills."
2. Legally: An agreement that a debtor and a creditor enter into after a debtor has filed for bankruptcy, in which the debtor agrees to repay all or part of an existing debt after the bankruptcy case is over.
2. Legally: An agreement that a debtor and a creditor enter into after a debtor has filed for bankruptcy, in which the debtor agrees to repay all or part of an existing debt after the bankruptcy case is over.
For instance, a debtor might make a reaffirmation agreement with the holder of a car note that the debtor can keep the car and must continue to pay the debt after bankruptcy.
1. The condition of being disrupted again with force: ; repeated commotion: The reagitation of the storm surprised the population in the small town.
2. A repeated annoyance of an individual's serenity: When Sally told her parent's that she got another bad grade in math, it caused her parents great reagitation.
3. A disturbance or confusion in public feeling caused by appeals, demonstrations, etc.: Each time unsettling news appeared in the newspapers, on TV, or in the local bars, a reagitation arose among the population in the city.
2. A repeated annoyance of an individual's serenity: When Sally told her parent's that she got another bad grade in math, it caused her parents great reagitation.
3. A disturbance or confusion in public feeling caused by appeals, demonstrations, etc.: Each time unsettling news appeared in the newspapers, on TV, or in the local bars, a reagitation arose among the population in the city.
1. The process of understanding something, or the moment when this happens.
3. The act of realizing or the condition of being realized.
4. Coming to understand something clearly and distinctly.
Related words for this meaning of realization: knowledge, understanding, information, experience, expertise.
2. The process of achieving something that someone has planned or hoped for, or the moment when this happens.3. The act of realizing or the condition of being realized.
4. Coming to understand something clearly and distinctly.
The second of two or more surgical operations performed on the same body part: When Doug had one of his fingers amputated from his left hand, he had another accident while he was chopping wood for his fireplace and a reamputation had to be made on the same multi-fingered organ.