-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)
Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.
Something that is determined or decreed in advance of other events: The fortune teller at the local fair was convinced of the preordination of Kelly's engagement with a teacher at the local school.
1. The act of planning, studying, training, or getting ready for something: In preparation for the play, Susan had to learn all of her lines by memory.
2. The activity of getting something ready by using heat: Preparation for dinner took quite a while because the casserole had to bake in the oven for about 45 minutes until it was ready to eat.
3. A substance made by following a formula: The face cream was a preparation or mixture especially made for sensitive skins.
4. In music, a note that creates a dissonant chord is first perceived in a consonant chord: Joan learned in her music class that a preparation involved the introduction of dissonance by presenting the dissonant tone as a consonant one in the prior chord.
2. The activity of getting something ready by using heat: Preparation for dinner took quite a while because the casserole had to bake in the oven for about 45 minutes until it was ready to eat.
3. A substance made by following a formula: The face cream was a preparation or mixture especially made for sensitive skins.
4. In music, a note that creates a dissonant chord is first perceived in a consonant chord: Joan learned in her music class that a preparation involved the introduction of dissonance by presenting the dissonant tone as a consonant one in the prior chord.
1. The procedure or the measures taken to keep something of value intact, functioning and animate, and free from decay: The Lawson family always supported the preservation of the forests and state parks.
2. The activity of getting food ready for future use to avoid it spoiling: The preservation of food for the winter was important for Jane's family, so she made jams, canned peaches, and froze berries for enjoying later that year.
2. The activity of getting food ready for future use to avoid it spoiling: The preservation of food for the winter was important for Jane's family, so she made jams, canned peaches, and froze berries for enjoying later that year.
1. A presentation of skills when performing magic or producing magical tricks: Prestidigitations, or sleight of hands, are usually done to fool people.
2. Etymology: from Latin praesto-, "nimble" + digitus, "finger".

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2. Etymology: from Latin praesto-, "nimble" + digitus, "finger".

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1. The deliberate act of intentionally being vague or ambiguous: Jack was being very evasive when answering his father's question, and this prevarication was typical of him when he wanted to avoid being scolded.
2. A statement that someone makes which perverts or avoids the truth: Jimmy said he didn't break the neighbours window while playing ball, but it turned out that this was a prevarication, because he really did and lied to his parents about it!
3 Etymology: from about 1382, "divergence from a right course, transgression", from Old French prevaricacion, from Latin prævaricationem, "a stepping out of line (of duty or behavior)"; from prævaricatus, a form of prævaricari, "to make a sham accusation, to deviate"; literally, "to walk crookedly", from prae, "before" + varicare, "to straddle", from varicus "straddling", from varus, "bowlegged, knock-kneed".
2. A statement that someone makes which perverts or avoids the truth: Jimmy said he didn't break the neighbours window while playing ball, but it turned out that this was a prevarication, because he really did and lied to his parents about it!
3 Etymology: from about 1382, "divergence from a right course, transgression", from Old French prevaricacion, from Latin prævaricationem, "a stepping out of line (of duty or behavior)"; from prævaricatus, a form of prævaricari, "to make a sham accusation, to deviate"; literally, "to walk crookedly", from prae, "before" + varicare, "to straddle", from varicus "straddling", from varus, "bowlegged, knock-kneed".
1. The act of depriving people of food or money: Because of privation, there are many poverty stricken men, women, and children in numerous cities who exist on streets, in allies, and under bridges because they don't have any homes.
2. A lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life or the condition resulting from such a deficiency: Many countries have been suffering with long periods of economic privation.
3. Etymology: from Latin privationem and privatio, "a taking away"; from privatus; from privare, "to deprive".

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2. A lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life or the condition resulting from such a deficiency: Many countries have been suffering with long periods of economic privation.
3. Etymology: from Latin privationem and privatio, "a taking away"; from privatus; from privare, "to deprive".

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1. A method of dealing with offenders; especially, young people who are guilty of minor crimes or first offenses, by allowing them to go at large under supervision of a probation officer.
2. The state of having been conditionally released by a court.
3. A trial period or condition for students in certain educational institutions who are being permitted to redeem failures, misconduct, etc.
4. A trial period in which a student is given time to try to redeem failing grades or bad conduct.
5. The testing or trial of a candidate for membership in a religious body or order, for holy orders, etc.
6. A process or period in which a person's fitness, as for work or membership in a social group, is tested.
7. In law: The act of suspending the sentence of a person convicted of a criminal offense and granting that person provisional freedom with the promise of good behavior.
8. A discharge for a person from commitment as an insane person on condition of continued sanity and of being recommitted upon the reappearance of insanity.
2. The state of having been conditionally released by a court.
3. A trial period or condition for students in certain educational institutions who are being permitted to redeem failures, misconduct, etc.
4. A trial period in which a student is given time to try to redeem failing grades or bad conduct.
5. The testing or trial of a candidate for membership in a religious body or order, for holy orders, etc.
6. A process or period in which a person's fitness, as for work or membership in a social group, is tested.
7. In law: The act of suspending the sentence of a person convicted of a criminal offense and granting that person provisional freedom with the promise of good behavior.
8. A discharge for a person from commitment as an insane person on condition of continued sanity and of being recommitted upon the reappearance of insanity.
1. An official public notice: The written proclamation regarding snowplowing was posted at the court house and on various buildings around the town.
2. The public and formal announcement of the accession of a king or ruler: The proclamation of the crowning of the king was preceded by much fanfare by trumpets and drums.
3. The action of denouncing as illegal, a district to be under legal restriction, etc.: The proclamation which was posted at the federal building and post offices identified the bank robbers and advertised a reward for their capture.
4. A formal order issued by a sovereign or other legal authority and made public either by being announced by a herald, or by being posted in public places: During Medieval times, a royal messenger would ride across the countryside, announcing the government's latest proclamations in town squares.
2. The public and formal announcement of the accession of a king or ruler: The proclamation of the crowning of the king was preceded by much fanfare by trumpets and drums.
3. The action of denouncing as illegal, a district to be under legal restriction, etc.: The proclamation which was posted at the federal building and post offices identified the bank robbers and advertised a reward for their capture.
4. A formal order issued by a sovereign or other legal authority and made public either by being announced by a herald, or by being posted in public places: During Medieval times, a royal messenger would ride across the countryside, announcing the government's latest proclamations in town squares.
1. The conception and bearing of offspring or children.
2. The act of begetting children.
3. The generation and production of offspring.
4. The entire process of bringing a new individual, or individuals, into the world.
2. The act of begetting children.
3. The generation and production of offspring.
4. The entire process of bringing a new individual, or individuals, into the world.
1. The act of profaning; desecration; defilement; debasement.
2. Degradation of something worthy of respect; cheapening.
3. Blasphemous behavior; the act of depriving something of its sacred character.
2. Degradation of something worthy of respect; cheapening.
3. Blasphemous behavior; the act of depriving something of its sacred character.
prognosticate (prahg NAHS ti kayt") (verb), prognosticates; prognosticated; prognosticating
1. To predict or foretell future events: Mary’s dream prognosticated that she was going to meet her future husband on the weekend!
2. An indication of the future result of something: Jane’s headache was hurting her and she couldn’t breathe so her doctor prognosticated that her influenza would last for quite sometime.
3. To forecast or to predict something from present indications or signs; to prophesy: The weather forecast is prognosticated to be clear and sunny for the next few days.
4. Something that presages: When people see birds appearing at the end of winter, they are believed to prognosticate that spring is coming.
5. To predict according to present conditions or signs; to foretell: There is urban renewal that currently prognosticates a social and cultural renovation for the city.

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2. An indication of the future result of something: Jane’s headache was hurting her and she couldn’t breathe so her doctor prognosticated that her influenza would last for quite sometime.
3. To forecast or to predict something from present indications or signs; to prophesy: The weather forecast is prognosticated to be clear and sunny for the next few days.
4. Something that presages: When people see birds appearing at the end of winter, they are believed to prognosticate that spring is coming.
5. To predict according to present conditions or signs; to foretell: There is urban renewal that currently prognosticates a social and cultural renovation for the city.
Instead of using the verb prognosticate all the time in his essay, Jim used synonyms like "to foreshadow" and "to portend”, which made his composition more interesting.

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1. The reproduction or multiplication of similar forms: The condition of rapid proliferation of mutated cells and morbid cysts, is something no one wants!
2. A rapid and often excessive spread or increase: The proliferation of anything can cause an overproduction, which, in turn, can cause an imbalance in the environment!
2. A rapid and often excessive spread or increase: The proliferation of anything can cause an overproduction, which, in turn, can cause an imbalance in the environment!
A dreaded proliferation of grasshoppers can cause the total destruction of grain fields.