-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)

(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)

Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.

negotiation (s) (noun), negotiations (pl)
1. The reaching of agreement through discussions and compromises.
2. The tackling of a hazard or problem.
3. Discussion sessions or one or more meetings at which attempts are made to reach an agreement through discussion and compromise.
4. The mutual discussion and arrangement of the terms of a transaction or agreement.
5. Etymology: from Latin negotiationem, negotiatio, "business, traffic"; from Latin negotiatus, negotiari, "to carry on business"; from negotium, "business"; literally, "lack of leisure"; from neg-, "not" + otium, "ease, leisure".

The shift from "doing business" to "bargaining" about anything took place in Latin.

neurocomputation (s) (noun), neurocomputations (pl)
An organic computer that has been built from living neurons: "One early sample or model built to test this concept or process has been constructed from leech neurons, and is capable of performing simple arithmetic operations."

"The concepts are still being researched and prototyped, but in the near future, it is expected that artificially constructed organic brains, even though they are still considerably simpler in design than animal brains, should be capable of simple pattern recognition tasks such as handwriting recognition."

—Compiled from information provided by Wikipedia.
neurotic excoriation
1. A self-induced skin lesion, inflicted by the fingernails or by other physical actions.
2. A self-inflicted excoriation, usually on the face, back, or shoulders of a subject when under stress.
1. Action intended to nullify the effects of some previous action.
2. An action intended to keep a country politically neutral or to exclude it from a possible war.
3. The removal of a threat by killing or destroying it; especially, in a covert operation or military operation.
4. The process of making a solution neutral (pH = 7) by adding a base to an acid solution, or adding an acid to an alkaline (basic) solution; which is also known as neutralization reaction.
5. A chemical reaction in which an acid and a base interact with the formation of a salt.

With strong acids and bases, the essential reaction is the combination of hydrogen ions with hydroxyl ions to form water.

nidification (s) (noun), nidifications (pl)
1. The preparation or construction of nests and the behavior connected with it: Although many mockingbirds and insects build their nests in trees, several animal species practice nidification and burrow or dig holes in the ground for their dens.

The term nidification is used in zoology and involves all the preparations for the reception of eggs or newborn animals and for their care.

Smaller species of birds provide more elaborate nidifications; such as, the abodes in hedgerows or bushes, or even on the ground where bowl-shaped structures are made of fine grass that is interwoven with horsehairs and moss or lichen so the refuges are not easy to see.

The thrushes use a foundation of clay and line the insides of their domiciles with a mixture of decayed wood and cow dung.

2. Etymology: from Latin nidus, "nest" + facere, "to make".
nidulation (s) (noun) (no plural)
A period of time staying in a nest: The time frame for nidulation varies among the various bird species, depending on how long it takes for the eggs to hatch, the little birds to be fed, grow, and to fly away.
1. Erosion of the land surface by the action of snow.
2. The erosion of rock or soil beneath a snowbank or snow patch and along its fluctuating margins, due to frost action in conjunction with other processes such as chemical weathering and solifluction.
3. Erosion of the ground beneath and at the sides of a snowbank, mainly as a result of alternate freezing and thawing.
nociassociation (s) (noun), nociassociations (pl)
The unconscious release of nervous energy under the stimulus of trauma: A surgical shock.can be a cause of an nociassociation.

A nociassociation is an uncoordinated nervous discharge either following injury or while in shock.

noctambulation (s) (noun), noctambulations (pl)
The act or an instance of walking or performing another activity associated with wakefulness while asleep or in a sleep like situation.
The presence, or formation, of nodules.
nominalize, nominalization
1. To change a part of speech into a noun by the addition of a suffix.
2. To change an underlying clause by a syntactic process or series of rules so that it functions like a noun.
A suggestion (naming) of someone for appointment or election to a position or for receiving an honor or award.
An absence of fraternization.
normalization (s) (noun), normalizations (pl)
1. Reduction of a process to a standard or type; such as, making something typical or in compliance with a model or a principle which has been established: The new legislation was designed to impose a normalization of the school curriculum. 2. Any process that makes something more conventional, which typically means conforming to some regularity or rule, or returning from some state of irregularity: Many of the principles of social work are intended to bring some normalization to the lives of clients who have been disturbed by a crisis.