-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)
Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.
1. The ability to form images and ideas in the mind, especially of things never seen or experienced directly.
2. A creative part of mind; the part of the mind where ideas, thoughts, and images are formed.
3. The faculty of imagining, or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses.
4. The action or process of forming images or concepts.
5. The faculty of producing ideal creations consistent with reality, as in literature, as distinct from the power of creating illustrative or decorative imagery.
6. The product of imagining; a conception or mental creation, often a baseless or fanciful one.
7. An ability to face and resolve difficulties; resourcefulness.
8. In psychology, the power of reproducing images stored in the memory under the suggestion of associated images (reproductive imagination) or of recombining former experiences in the creation of new images directed at a specific goal or aiding in the solution of problems (creative imagination).
9. Archaic, a plan, scheme, or plot.
2. A creative part of mind; the part of the mind where ideas, thoughts, and images are formed.
3. The faculty of imagining, or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses.
4. The action or process of forming images or concepts.
5. The faculty of producing ideal creations consistent with reality, as in literature, as distinct from the power of creating illustrative or decorative imagery.
6. The product of imagining; a conception or mental creation, often a baseless or fanciful one.
8. In psychology, the power of reproducing images stored in the memory under the suggestion of associated images (reproductive imagination) or of recombining former experiences in the creation of new images directed at a specific goal or aiding in the solution of problems (creative imagination).
9. Archaic, a plan, scheme, or plot.
1. The act of something being done, or made in resemblance of something else; a likeness; also, a counterfeit; such as, an imitation of legal money.
2. In music, the repetition of a phrase, or subject, in another voice or a different key.
3. In biology, mimicry of an environment, or of another animal, plant, etc., for concealment or protection.
4. Etymology: from Old French imitacion; from Latin imitationem, imitatio, "imitation"; from imitari, "to copy, to portray, to imitate".
2. In music, the repetition of a phrase, or subject, in another voice or a different key.
3. In biology, mimicry of an environment, or of another animal, plant, etc., for concealment or protection.
4. Etymology: from Old French imitacion; from Latin imitationem, imitatio, "imitation"; from imitari, "to copy, to portray, to imitate".
Related to Latin imago, from "artificial representation that looks like a person or thing", from Old French image, earlier imagene (11th century), from Latin imaginem, imago, "copy, statue, picture, idea, appearance"; from the stem of imitari "to copy, to imitate".
1. Going into another habitat; especially, a movement to a country of which one is not a regular resident in order to settle there.
2. The body of people or animals arriving in a different place during a specified interval.
2. The body of people or animals arriving in a different place during a specified interval.
1. Something that is not sensible or restrained, excessive: Shirley thought her friend's drinking habits were done with immoderation.
2. Exceeding the normal or not having suitable limits: Hank's eating habits were considered to be acts of immoderation.
2. Exceeding the normal or not having suitable limits: Hank's eating habits were considered to be acts of immoderation.
1. The ability of a genetically engineered cell line to reproduce indefinitely.
2. The act of immortalizing (exempt from death), or the situation whereby one is immortalized (given unending life).
2. The act of immortalizing (exempt from death), or the situation whereby one is immortalized (given unending life).
The average person does not know what to do with this life, yet wants another one which will last forever.
1. Protecting a person, or animal, against a particular disease by introducing a special substance into their bodies, usually by injection.
2. A vaccination or inoculation, a method of stimulating resistance in the human body to specific diseases using microorganisms (bacteria or viruses) that have been modified or killed: These treated immunizations of microorganisms do not cause the disease, but rather trigger the body's immune system to build a defense mechanism that continuously guards against such diseases.
2. A vaccination or inoculation, a method of stimulating resistance in the human body to specific diseases using microorganisms (bacteria or viruses) that have been modified or killed: These treated immunizations of microorganisms do not cause the disease, but rather trigger the body's immune system to build a defense mechanism that continuously guards against such diseases.
1. A condition in which something is abnormally closed.
2. The state of being without perforation.
2. The state of being without perforation.
1. A pretension of being a character of or have the appearance of others.
2. A mimic of the voice or mannerisms of someone else.
2. A mimic of the voice or mannerisms of someone else.
The act of providing a practical means for accomplishing an objective: The school's implementation of prohibiting smoking on the school grounds was put into immediate effect the following day.

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The act of imploring or an earnest supplication.
The bringing in of goods or merchandise from a foreign country: Government regulations are designed to monitor the importation of merchandise from other countries.
1. The calling down of harm on someone: The storm was so sudden and severe that the ancients thought it was an imprecation from the gods.
2. An offensive word or phrase that people say when they are angry: Sharon muttered an imprecation under her breath when she was accidentally bumped into by another woman in a store.
3. Swearing or blasphemy; a slanderous accusation: The society editor in the local paper often wrote imprecations about prominent people in the community and it was amazing that she had never been accused of defamation of character.

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2. An offensive word or phrase that people say when they are angry: Sharon muttered an imprecation under her breath when she was accidentally bumped into by another woman in a store.
3. Swearing or blasphemy; a slanderous accusation: The society editor in the local paper often wrote imprecations about prominent people in the community and it was amazing that she had never been accused of defamation of character.

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1. A creation spoken or written or composed extemporaneously (without prior preparation).
2. An artifact that has been brought into existence by someone; especially a musical passage or a dramatic skit.
2. An artifact that has been brought into existence by someone; especially a musical passage or a dramatic skit.