-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)

(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)

Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.

habitation (hab" i TAY shuhn) (s) (noun), habitations (pl)
1. The act of occupying or living in a place: "The tenements in a part of the city are not fit for the habitation of people".
2. A home environment, a dwelling area, or a residence: "Jake and his family had a mountain habitation which was far from the noises of a city."
3. A collective group of homes or residences for individuals: "The pioneers built a habitation near the mouth of a river."

"A town or village is one type of habitation, and an individual house in that town or village is another kind."

habited (adjective), more habited, most habited
Pertaining to being dressed or attired in a distinctive dress or costume: "Some religious orders have members who wear special habited clothes."
hallucination (s) (noun), hallucinations (pl)
1. A mental perception of something that does not really exist: A hallucination is often a delusion or result of a disorder of the nervous system, acute alcoholism, the taking of certain drugs, etc.
2. A wandering of the mind or an error, a mistake, or a blunder: The summary of what Greg owed the government for his income tax was considered an obvious hallucination by the man who prepared the report.
An imaginary object seen, heard, etc.
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harmonization, harmonisation
1. A piece of harmonized music.
2. Singing in harmony.
3. In international law, the process whereby different countries adopt the same laws.
4. The changing of government regulations and practices, as a result of an international agreement, to make those of different countries the same or more compatible.

For example, with tariffs, this means making tariff rates more similar across industries and/or across countries.

1. The abnormal protrusion of an organ or other body structure through a defect or natural opening in a covering, membrane, muscle, or bone.
2. The formation of a hernia; a rupture.
hesitation (s) (noun), hesitations (pl)
1. A pausie or delay in deciding or acting, due to irresolution; the condition of doubt in relation to action.
2. The state of being reluctant or undecided.
3. A pause, or faltering, in speech which may lead to stammering.
4. Etymology: from Latin hæsitationem, hæsitatio, "irresolution, uncertainty"; from hæsitare, "to stick fast, to stammer in speech, to be undecided"; a recurring action of hærere, "to stick, to cling".
heterointoxication (s) (noun), heterointoxications (pl)
Intoxication by a poison not produced within the body: The physical state of heterointoxication can occur by poisoning That has its source outside a person's body.
hiation (s) (noun), hiations (pl)
An opening or gap in an organ of the body: "One example of a hiation is the opening in the diaphragm (muscular separation of the stomach and the tube that moves food from the mouth to the stomach) and the thoracic cavities (area between the neck and the diaphragm).
hibernation (s) (noun), hibernations (pl)
1. A dormant or inactive state resembling deep slumber in which certain animals living in cold areas pass the chilly season with a significant reduction in body temperature and metabolism: There are hibernations that include creatures with physiological conditions that respond to frosty winter conditions; not only bears and some bats; but also, snakes, frogs, and a few turtles.
2. A motionless, sleep-like condition characterized by lower body temperature and reduced energy consumption; as well as, heart and breathing rates: In certain climates, snakes find holes or cracks when autumn comes and they sleep in these places in hibernation during the winter; then, when they come out of hibernation, they start hunting for food.

In the course of hibernation, arctic lemmings are able to avoid severity of iciness by confining their life during winter to activities beneath the snow cover.

Some insects go into hibernation as eggs, larvae, nymphs, pupas, or adults. Since they can stand very low temperatures, few of these forms die if the bleak temperatures are within their normal range.

Even rather fragile creatures; such as, some butterflies are able to survive the frosty air in low shrubbery, where they may be completely covered by snow and ice for three or four months of hibernation.

Winter hibernations among reptiles are similar to the hibernations of mammals; however, instead of experiencing long, sustained periods of inertness, some hibernating reptiles move around occasionally to drink water; but they may go without food for several months.

When adders (nonvenomous snakes, such as the milk snake) experience temperatures of about 8°–10° C (46°–50° F), they start to look for suitable places in which to survive. Since these conditions vary, the adders' periods of hibernation extends from 275 days in northern Europe to 105 days in southern Europe, and it is about two weeks in the United Kingdom, where the Gulf Stream provides warmer conditions.

The term hibernation is often loosely used to indicate any state of sustained torpor, inactivity, or dormancy that an organism might exhibit; however, use of the term should be confined only to warm-blooded homoiotherms—i.e., birds and mammals whose feathers or fur serve as insulation to reduce heat radiating from the body and aid in the maintenance of constant body temperatures, which normally are independent of those of the environment.

Hibernation and sleep are somewhat similar in that essential body processes continue during both periods at a lowered level. In sleep, the heart beats less rapidly, and breathing is slower; the body produces less heat, making it necessary for a sleeping person to be protected from the cold with adequate covers.

—Compiled from information located in
"Hibernation and Estivation by
Cold-Blooded Vertebrates and Invertebrates";
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Volume 11;
William Benton, Publisher; Chicago; 1968; page 473.

This Hibernation link has much more interesting information about this topic.

1. The development of the characteristics peculiar to a particular tissue type from less organized groups of cells.
2. The process of cellular maturation in which a primitive cell develops into specific cellular tissue types.
hominzation (s) (noun), hominzations (pl)
The evolutionary development of characteristics; especially, mental or spiritual ones that distinguish humans from other animals.
horrification (s) (noun), horrifications (pl)
That which causes a very strong feelings of fear, shock, or disgust: The horrifications of the fighting among the opposing sports fans was so disgusting that many of the other people, including Joe and Dirk, left the stadium and went home.