-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)

(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)

Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.

debilitation (s) (noun), debilitations (pl)
A process of being weakened, exhausted, or deprived of strength: As a result of her long illness, Jan is living in a state of debilitation and is being treated in a rehabilitation clinic in an effort to get her strength back to normal.
decapitation (s) (noun), decapitations (pl)
deceleration (s) (noun), decelerations (pl)
The diminishment of a speed for a slower movement.
decertification, desertification
decertification (dee SUHR tuh fuh kay" shuhn) (noun)
1. A procedure under which employees of a firm can disassociate themselves from a specific union, or a company can withdraw a union's official recognition as the exclusive bargaining representative of the firm's employees: The automobile company may have to use decertification of unions in order to cut down on operational expenses.
2. A process that causes something to be no longer approved or accepted: The government had to use decertification of the agency because it was not performing its functions as intended.
desertification (di zur" tuh fi KAY shuhn) (noun)
1. A process by which an area changes to, or becomes, a desert: The people must be aware of further desertification of their western land areas.
2. The rapid depletion of plant life and the loss of topsoil at desert boundaries and in semiarid regions; usually, caused by a combination of drought and the overexploitation of grasses and other vegetation by people: The international organization was praised for its efforts to prevent further desertification in Africa.

The decertification of the land management company came about because of the desertification of the rich farm land as a result of mismanagement of water resources.

decivilization (s) (noun), decivilizations (pl)
Cultures that lost their existence because of external military factors and changes in cultural patterns: Some decivilizations are said to have taken place because of military invasions and drastic changes in economic conditions; as well as, how people reacted to the new social changes.
declamation (s) (noun), declamations (pl)
A public speech the purpose of which is to arouse passions, to harangue, or to excite the listener's agreement to take action: The local newspaper reported on the declamations of the speaker who had radical and persuasive viewpoints on the subject of climate change.
decoration (s) (noun), decorations (pl)
1. The act of embellishing or adorning for a special occasion: The decorations for Mildred's birthday part were bright and beautiful for everyone's pleasure.
2. A medal, badge, or similar token given to honor someone: Sam's son had several decorations for his valor as a soldier.
Creation and destruction which may occur simultaneously and are considered to be elements dependent upon each other.
decrepitation (s) (noun), decrepitations (pl)
1. The crackling or breaking up of certain crystals when they are heated.
2. The sharp sound of snapping noises; such as, the crackling and the snapping of certain salts when heated.
3. The breaking up of mineral substances when exposed to heat; usually, accompanied by a crackling noise.
dedication (s) (noun), dedications (pl)
1. The giving up or devoting (of oneself, one's time, labor, etc.) to the service of a person or to the pursuit of a purpose: It is said that dedication and imagination are two very important components to accomplish a goal.
2. The official statement at the beginning of a song or a book, for example, to show the devotedness for a particular person: The book The Ra Expeditions by Thor Heyerdahl has a very short and precise dedication: "To Yvonne"!
3. The act of the authorized opening of a building, a highway or a swimming pool for public use: The dedication of the first swimming pool in Sally's town took place in the summer when it was very warm and the public could use it right away.
4. An act or process of setting something aside for a particular purpose; especially, in a ceremony that achieves this: The dedication service at the new church showed the commitment of its members to have their place of worship.