-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)

(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)

Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.

cosmic radiation (s) (noun), cosmic radiations (pl)
Radiation by cosmic rays, consisting chiefly of protons, with some electrons and atomic nuclei: Cosmic radiations involves their collision or reaction with particles in the atmosphere which includes a wide variety of secondary radiations known as a cosmic ray showers.
The vague, speechless awe one experiences upon gazing up into the cosmos and contemplating the pathetic minuteness of one’s being.
counteragitation (s) (noun), counteragitations (pl)
A turmoil or turbulence that opposes the disturbance of another person or group: The counteragitation caused by the protesters of one political party fighting against the other rival political party in the city could hardly be controlled by the police.
counterdemonstration (s) (noun), counterdemonstrations (pl)
A public display held in opposition to another public attitude or behavior: Some people in the city advocated that their country go to war while others had counterdemonstrations against any kind of military violence.
1. An agent that causes irritation or a mild inflammation of the skin in order to relieve symptoms of a deep-seated inflammatory process.
2. An agent that induces local inflammation to relieve inflammation in underlying or adjacent tissues.
3. Relating to or producing counterirritation.
4. Any irritation or annoyance that draws attention away from another irritating situation.
1. The act of creating; an original product of human invention or artistic imagination.
2. The fact or state of having been created; such as, an artifact that has been brought into existence by someone.
3. The act of investing with a new office or title; the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new.
4. The world and all things in it; everything that exists anywhere.
5. All creatures or a class of creatures.
4. According to the Bible, the act of God that brought the universe and all living beings into existence.

The divine act by which, according to various religious and philosophical traditions, the world was brought into existence.

cremation (s) (noun), cremations (pl)
1. The burning of a dead body to ashes.
2. The action of burning or cremating; specifically, the reduction of a corpse to ashes as a way of disposing of it in lieu of interment; an instance of this practice.

The psychic viewpoint regarding cremation

Cremation is the process of using fire to burn the corpse shortly after death to purify the atoms of the physical body from the dross negative thoughts impinged within.

Cremation frees the soul-mind more quickly from the magnetic pull of the bone and cell structure to allow the soul-mind to go about its new tasks in the etheric world (invisible space containing many kinds of life forms and many levels of intelligences, all of which are communicating psychiacally with mankind).

Cremation hastens the reduction of material elements of the physical body to the primal elements again.

The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary;
June G. Bletzer; The Donning Company Publishers;
Norfolk, Virginia; 1986.
1. A rounded projection from the edge or surface of something such as a plant leaf or a coin.
2. A scalloped edge, or a surface with rounded projections.
3. A medical condition in which the red blood cells shrink and develop multiple indentations and protrusions.
1. The action of constructing ramparts with gaps for firing guns or arrows.
2. A rampart built around the top of a castle with regular gaps for firing arrows or guns.
1. A very small notch or indentation; for example, on a plant's leaf.
2. The condition of having very fine notching or indentations along an edge.
crepitation (s) (noun), crepitations (pl)
1. A rattling or crackling sound like that made by rubbing hair between the fingers close to the ear.
2. The sensation that is felt when placing the hand over a fracture when the broken ends of the bone are moved, or over tissue in which gas gangrene is present.
3. The noise produced by rubbing bone or irregular cartilage surfaces together, as in arthritis.
cross-pollination (s) (noun), cross-pollinations (pl)
1. The transfer of pollen from the flower of one plant to the flower of a plant having a different genetic constitution.
2. A sharing or interchange of knowledge, ideas, etc., as for mutual enrichment; cross-fertilization.
cryoablation (s) (noun), cryoablations (pl)
A procedure in which extreme cold is applied to a tumor using a cryoprobe), a hollow needle-like device filled with argon gas which quickly freezes the targeted tumor: Cryoablation appears to be an effective treatment for cancerous kidney tumors, however follow-up studies are needed before the procedure can be widely applied, according to Thomas Atwell, M.D., a Mayo Clinic radiologist and the study's primary investigator.

The general criteria for cryoablation includes the size and appearance of the tumor and the number of lesions in the kidney.

For patients who undergo surgery, the hospital stay and recovery period are longer as compared to patients treated with cryoablation because patients who undergo cryoablation will have small quarter inch incision where the cryoprobe is inserted and the mark is covered with a bandage and recovery usually amounts to one day in a hospital, as compared to several days for patients who undergo surgery.

"A review of 62 Mayo Clinic patients who underwent cryoablation to treat cancerous kidney tumors shows that the patients are cancer free for up to two and a half years after having had the procedure".

—Compiled from information located at
Physorg.com, science, physics, tech, nano news;
Source: Mayo Clinic; November 25, 2007.
cryofixation (s) (noun), cryofixations (pl)
The securing in a position involving a process for microscopy that is carried out at low temperatures during surgery to improve the quality of holding body parts together: Cryofixation is often done at very low temperatures and fast coolings are used to prevent formation of ice crystals.

Cooling rates of 10,000 degrees per minute may be used in cryofixations and liquid nitrogen or even liquid helium temperatures are utilized and it is not necessary to include any chemical treatments.