-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)
Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.
contemplation (s), contemplations (pl) (noun forms)
1. The act or state of contemplating.
2. Thoughtful observation or study.
3. Meditation on spiritual matters; especially, as a form of devotion.
4. Intention or expectation: "They sought further information in contemplation of which college, or university, to attend."
2. Thoughtful observation or study.
3. Meditation on spiritual matters; especially, as a form of devotion.
4. Intention or expectation: "They sought further information in contemplation of which college, or university, to attend."
1. A contentious speech or action.
2. A dispute where there is strong disagreement.
3. The controversy, debate, strife, or dispute that takes place between people; such as, with politicians.
2. A dispute where there is strong disagreement.
3. The controversy, debate, strife, or dispute that takes place between people; such as, with politicians.
continuance, continuation
continuance (kuhn TIN yoo uhns) (noun)
The postponement of the proceedings in a court to a future date: The judge ordered the continuance of the trial for the following week.
continuation (kuhn tin" yoo AY shuhn) (noun)
The resumption of an activity after an interruption: The children in the class anxiously awaited the continuation of the story after lunch.
The continuation of the trial was scheduled for two weeks after the judge ordered a continuance for health reasons.
A condition which makes a particular treatment or procedure harmful: For some babies, aspirin is absolutely a contraindication because of the danger that aspirin will cause Reye syndrome which is a sudden, or sometimes fatal, disease of the brain (encephalopathy) and with degeneration of the liver.
Sometimes X-rays in pregnancy are relatively contraindicated, because of concern for the developing fetus; unless the X-rays are absolutely necessary.
1. A large formal assembly; such as, of a college or university community, or the senior members of a church: Every ten years a convocation at the conservatory of music takes place for all the alumni where they enjoy meeting and talking with their old classmates after the president’s speech.
2. The arranging, or calling together, of a formal meeting: A convocation was decided upon so that the heads of the language departments could decide about the use of the funds which were appropriated to them from the state.
3. Etymology: from Latin convocationem, from convocare, "to call together"; from com-, "together" + vocare, "to call"; from vox, "voice".
2. The arranging, or calling together, of a formal meeting: A convocation was decided upon so that the heads of the language departments could decide about the use of the funds which were appropriated to them from the state.
3. Etymology: from Latin convocationem, from convocare, "to call together"; from com-, "together" + vocare, "to call"; from vox, "voice".
co-operation, cooperation
1. A smooth functioning of the movements of the arms and legs of the body: The audience applauded at the coordination of the gymnast who was performing high above the floor of the circus tent without a safety net.
2. Etymology: from Latin coordinationem, from Latin coordinare, "to set in order, to arrange"; from com-. "together" + ordinatio, "arrangement".
2. Etymology: from Latin coordinationem, from Latin coordinare, "to set in order, to arrange"; from com-. "together" + ordinatio, "arrangement".
1. The act or ceremony of crowning a sovereign (king or queen) or another soverign.
2. The ceremony of installing a new monarch.
2. The ceremony of installing a new monarch.
1. A body of workers and administrators who produce products for people who need or simply want them for a better life: Mary was the owner of a corporation that is selling computers, printers, and other related equipment to commercial businesses for their customers.
2. A large company, or group of companies, which are authorized to act individually: Ralph worked for a group of corporations that are involved in the sales of cell phones for communications that people can use at their homes and where ever they go away from their residences.
2. A large company, or group of companies, which are authorized to act individually: Ralph worked for a group of corporations that are involved in the sales of cell phones for communications that people can use at their homes and where ever they go away from their residences.
The confirmation of a statement, etc. with additional proof.
Formed or shaped into wrinkles, folds, or into alternating ridges and grooves.
1. A sudden or striking display of luminosity: From her living room window, Sally could see the coruscation of the fireworks which were taking place in the football field in town.
2. An instance of a spark or a small ray of fire: After trying for so long to get their campfire started, Tom and Jerry suddenly saw a flicker of light or coruscation appearing among the sticks on the ground.
3. A subjective sensation of flashing lights or glittering in front of the eyes: After the car accident, Jill seemed to be affected with coruscation because she could only see glowing or scintillating lights when she looked around.
4. A striking display of brilliance or wit: Jack's coruscation was certainly impressive when he was able to say exactly who composed which piece of music just by listening to a few measures of any harmonic composition!

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2. An instance of a spark or a small ray of fire: After trying for so long to get their campfire started, Tom and Jerry suddenly saw a flicker of light or coruscation appearing among the sticks on the ground.
3. A subjective sensation of flashing lights or glittering in front of the eyes: After the car accident, Jill seemed to be affected with coruscation because she could only see glowing or scintillating lights when she looked around.
4. A striking display of brilliance or wit: Jack's coruscation was certainly impressive when he was able to say exactly who composed which piece of music just by listening to a few measures of any harmonic composition!