(Latin: suffix; able manner, capably)
Forming adverbs corresponding to adjectives in -able.
equably (adverb), more equably, most equably
1. Pertaining to how a person is even-tempered and composed: Jerry seemed to be an equably easy-going fellow who always had time to help others and enjoy drinking coffee with them in the afternoons.
2. Concerning how something stays in a constant or uniform way: Bill and Nigel wanted to plan their vacation in an equably unvarying climate, especially because they wanted to go camping!
2. Concerning how something stays in a constant or uniform way: Bill and Nigel wanted to plan their vacation in an equably unvarying climate, especially because they wanted to go camping!
equitably (adverb), more equitably, most equitably
Relating to how a person treats everyone concerned in a fair and in an impartial way: During the afternoon tea, Janet cut the cake equitably so that each guest would have the same size of cake on their plate.
estimably (adverb), more estimably, most estimably
1. Pertaining to how someone is deserving of high regard or admiration: The young teacher, Mr. Smart, was estimably valued and respected by all of his students and members of the staff.
2. Descriptive of how something is calculated or assessed: Martin estimably guessed the distance to the lake to be about 10 kilometers, and so he could ride his bike there and back again with no problem at all.
2. Descriptive of how something is calculated or assessed: Martin estimably guessed the distance to the lake to be about 10 kilometers, and so he could ride his bike there and back again with no problem at all.
excusably (adverb), more excusably, most excusably
Characterizing how a person's wrong utterances or actions are forgiven or understood; pardonably: Lance was thought to be excusably late to the meeting since he had just returned from taking his mother to hospital for her operation.
execrably (adverb), more execrably, most execrably
Conveying how a person's behavior is most detestable and of the worst kind: For some unknown reason, Henry's uncle has always execrably treated women with hatred.
fashionably (adverb), more fashionably, most fashionably
Descriptive of how something is done in a stylish manner: Mrs. Hathaway was fashionably dressed for her daughter's wedding with matching shoes, hat, and purse.
favorably (adverb), more favorably, most favorably
1. Conveying how something is presented in a positive and in an agreeable manner: Mrs. Smith told Jack's mother that he was progressing favorably now in class since he was doing his homework regularly.
2. Descriptive of how something turns out advantageously for a person or for something: The specially-made hamburgers made by Hana compare more favorably with any hamburgers eaten anywhere else!
2. Descriptive of how something turns out advantageously for a person or for something: The specially-made hamburgers made by Hana compare more favorably with any hamburgers eaten anywhere else!
formidable (FOHR mi duh buhl, fohr MID uh buhl) (adjective), more formidable, most formidable
1. Descriptive of something which is difficult to deal with or to overcome: Preparing for war is a formidable task for any country.
2. Relating to something which inspires respect or wonder because of size, strength, or ability: Shirley exhibited a formidable display of skill whenever she worked with her computer.
3. A reference to the anxiety of fear, dread, or alarm: A fratricide, or the killing of one's brother, became a formidable concern by the killer's sister because the murderer still had not been apprehended by the police.
4. Etymology: from Latin formidabilis from formidare, "to fear, to dread".

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2. Relating to something which inspires respect or wonder because of size, strength, or ability: Shirley exhibited a formidable display of skill whenever she worked with her computer.
3. A reference to the anxiety of fear, dread, or alarm: A fratricide, or the killing of one's brother, became a formidable concern by the killer's sister because the murderer still had not been apprehended by the police.
4. Etymology: from Latin formidabilis from formidare, "to fear, to dread".

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formidably (adverb), more formidably, most formidably
Relating to how fear or respect for something or someone is brought about as a result of being impressive, powerful, or difficult: Sharon was beautiful and a formidably intelligent and experienced executive of her company.
habitably (adverb), more habitably, most habitably
Concerning how a residence or lodging is suitable to be lived in: Hot deserts are not habitably suited for polar bears to survive.
heritably (adverb), more heritably, most heritably
Descriptive of how something is passed on from generation to generation: Being born with brown eyes is heritably possible if one of the parents, or one of their ancestors, had brown eyes too!
honorably (adverb), more honourably, most honourably
1. Descriptive of how a person acts in an honest and sincere way: While on the bus, Jane got up honorably from her seat to let the blind lady sit down.
2. Pertaining to how a person is entitled to respect and high regard: Mary's son was honorably discharged from many successful years of being in the navy.
2. Pertaining to how a person is entitled to respect and high regard: Mary's son was honorably discharged from many successful years of being in the navy.
hospitably (adverb), more hospitably, most hospitably
Pertaining to how a person welcomes someone, or is welcomed, in a friendly and generous way: Lisa, the exchange student from Germany, was hospitably received into her new family.
imaginably (adverb), more imaginably, most imaginably
Descriptive of how something is believed or thought of: Jane asked her parents if moving to California would be imaginably conceivable or possible for them, since it was much warmer there than where they presently lived.
immitigably (adverb), more immitigably, most immitigably
1. Unchangeably severe and unable to be weakened or softened: Just by observing him, Jessica could see that he had suffered much shown by his immitigably firm and straight chin and mouth and very sad eyes.
2. Etymology: from late Latin immitigabilis, from in-, "not" + mitigabilis, "able to be less severe".
2. Etymology: from late Latin immitigabilis, from in-, "not" + mitigabilis, "able to be less severe".