(Latin: a suffix; expressing capacity, fitness to do that which can be handled or managed, suitable skills to accomplish something; capable of being done, something which can be finished, etc.)
A suffix that forms adjectives. The suffix -ible has related meanings; expressing ability, capacity, fitness; capable of, fit for, able to be done, can be done, inclined to, tending to, given to.
This list is only a small sample of the thousands of -able words that exist in English.
2. Conveying cordiality and congeniality with each other: There was an amiable gathering of guests to celebrate Bob's 10th birthday.

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Gail's brother, Luis, has an amiable personality.
Amiable is more often used to describe people and amicable to describe actions, gestures, etc.
Examples include: The next-door neighbors are amiable people.
The union and the company reached an amicable settlement in their contract dispute.
Because Juanita approached her new, amiable neighbors with an open mind and a plate of muffins, they were able to reach an amicable solution to building a new fence.
2. Relating to behavior between people that is pleasant and friendly, often despite a difficult situation: Jim's manner was perfectly amicable even though he lost the election as the new mayor of his town.
3. Pertaining to an agreement or decision that is achieved without disputes or disagreements: Few people have amicable divorces, but eventually, Joyce and Mark separated in a friendly way.

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2. Capable of looking forward to something before a due date: The lovely hike in the woods was certainly anticipatable and Jenny could hardly wait until going on it!
3. A descriptive term for foreseeing and dealing with in advance: The severe snow storm was anticipatable so Jack put his car into the garage before it started.
2. Being relevant and fitting: Jackie asked, "Is this new information applicable and relevant for my term paper?"
2. Easy to talk to or meet: Mrs. Friendly was Jim's teacher and was very nice, open, and approachable for any questions the students, or even the parents, had to ask.
2. Worthy of being accepted; commendable: An approvable letter of praise was sent to JoLynn for her performance at the recital for being the most improved violist.
Some geographical areas are simply too rocky to be arable or farmable.
There are a some nations that have been able to convert some expanses of desert sand into arable soil with special irrigation and agricultural techniques.
Arable farming is essential for the existence or livelihood of people wherever they live in this world.
2. Etymology: the current term of arable may have been introduced in an effort to "correct" the earlier English terms erable, earable derived from Old English erian, "to plow" by replacing it with a Latinate spelling of arable.By the 1700s. erable and its variants stopped being used.
The arbitrable decision was to be considered by the company's top official for a final settlement with the union.
2. Pertaining to anything that is capable of rising from a lower level or station to a higher dimension: The bubbles Jane was creating were quite ascendable and, as a result, they were soaring up into the trees!