(Latin: a suffix; expressing capacity, fitness to do that which can be handled or managed, suitable skills to accomplish something; capable of being done, something which can be finished, etc.)
A suffix that forms adjectives. The suffix -ible has related meanings; expressing ability, capacity, fitness; capable of, fit for, able to be done, can be done, inclined to, tending to, given to.
This list is only a small sample of the thousands of -able words that exist in English.
peccable (PEK uh buhl) (adjective), more peccable, most peccable
Descriptive of the perpetration of sinful or wrongful acts: History has many examples of peccable crimes that have resulted from wars which have caused a great deal of suffering for the soldiers and those innocent civilians who were not involved in the battles.

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pentasyllable (noun), pentasyllables (pl)
A term or line of verse comprising five units larger than a phoneme: In class Jill raised her hand and said, "The word 'pentasyllable' has five syllables!"
perceivable (adjective), more perceivable, most perceivable
1. Capable of being seen or heard: If James stood at the peak of the mountain, the river below would be perceivable.
2. Possible of being understood or grasped: Stress is often considered to be a cause of cancer, so it is perceivable that stress is able to trigger cancer or even other disorders in people.
2. Possible of being understood or grasped: Stress is often considered to be a cause of cancer, so it is perceivable that stress is able to trigger cancer or even other disorders in people.
perishable (adjective), more perishable, most perishable
Prone to decay or spoil: Fresh milk is perishable for sure, especially if it isn't put into the fridge immediately after returning from grocery shopping!
permeable (adjective), more permeable, most permeable
Inclined to be penetrable: Jane uses a permeable coffee filter in her coffee machine to let the boiling water flow through the coffee grains to make a wonderful coffee in the morning.
personable (PER suh nuh buhl) (adjective), more personable, most personable
Referring to someone who has a pleasant appearance and manner or way of behaving toward other people; attractive and likable: Chuck has a girlfriend who is quite personable because she is amiable, charming, and outgoing!
persuadable (adjective), more persuadable, most persuadable
Susceptible to being convinced; suasible: It took a bit of assurance and positive arguments to induce Susan to go with the group, but she was persuadable in the end, and then all the friends went swimming in the lake!
perturbable (adjective), more perturbable, most perturbable
1. Liable to be made uneasy or anxious: There were some conversations going on which had a perturbable effect on Jack and alarmed him to a great degree.
2. Able to be confused or unsettled: The sudden accident caused a perturbable result of disorder and bewilderment among those at the concert.
2. Able to be confused or unsettled: The sudden accident caused a perturbable result of disorder and bewilderment among those at the concert.
photodegradable (adjective), more photodegradable, most photodegradable
Able to be decomposed into a simpler substance especially by ultraviolet light; The plastic bottle that had been thrown out of the car window was photodegradable and considered to be trash, and was done by a litterbug.
piteous, pitiable, pitiful
piteous (PIT ee uhs) (adjective)
Referring to something which elicits a strong sense of sympathy or compassion: The circumstances of poverty were piteous and Nikki was motivated to help in the local soup kitchen.
pitiable (PIT ee uh buhl) (adjective)
Wretched, paltry, lamentable: When the Industrial Revolution was just getting started, employees earned pitiable wages and often lived in piteous housing.
pitiful (PIT i fuhl) (adjective)
Concerning a person or animal that is in an unfortunate and sad situation; touching; pathetic; miserable: The man who was standing on the corner looked so pitiful because he had no umbrella and he was being soaked by the unexpected rain.
The famous British author, Charles Dickens, created pitiable characters in his books, for example the pitiful story of Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol. His situation and the poverty of his family was piteous.
pitiable (adjective), more pitiable, most pitiable
1. Inspiring helplessness or miserableness: Jane was in a pitiable condition by having both arms broken and in casts and having the flu at the same time!
2. Possible of causing both disrespect and sorrow: The pitiable and pathetic situation for the dwellers in the slums was hard to take for the visitors.
3. Subject to being poor or small: That little helping of ice cream was a pitiable amount in Tammy's bowl!
2. Possible of causing both disrespect and sorrow: The pitiable and pathetic situation for the dwellers in the slums was hard to take for the visitors.
3. Subject to being poor or small: That little helping of ice cream was a pitiable amount in Tammy's bowl!
pleadable (adjective), more pleadable, most pleadable
Able to be provided as an official request in court: The appeal in court was pleadable and the judge decided to adjourn and return after lunch to present his decision.
pleasurable (adjective), more pleasurable, most pleasurable
Inclined to give delight and enjoyment: At the end of the day the group of friends had a very pleasurable dinner together and decided to meet again the following month!
pleasureful (adjective), more pleasureful, most pleasureful
A reference to that which is delightful and nice: The gratifying and pleasureful, or pleasurable, experience of walking through the forest and hearing the birds chirping was awesome!
pliable (adjective), more pliable, most pliable
1. Able to be easily bent: Jane's arms and legs were so pliable and flexible when she practiced her ballet lessons.
2. Disposed to comply with or consent to something or someone; easily influenced: Sam was pliable and easily persuaded to go horseback riding with Judy the day before because he just loves horses!
2. Disposed to comply with or consent to something or someone; easily influenced: Sam was pliable and easily persuaded to go horseback riding with Judy the day before because he just loves horses!