(Latin: a suffix; expressing capacity, fitness to do that which can be handled or managed, suitable skills to accomplish something; capable of being done, something which can be finished, etc.)
A suffix that forms adjectives. The suffix -ible has related meanings; expressing ability, capacity, fitness; capable of, fit for, able to be done, can be done, inclined to, tending to, given to.
This list is only a small sample of the thousands of -able words that exist in English.
adorable (adjective), more adorable, most adorable
1. Charming, lovable, and usually very attractive: Little Mary thought her little kitten was so cute and adorable.
2. Etymology: from French adorer, "to adore, to worship"; from Latin adorare, "to speak to, to entreat, to ask in prayer, to worship"; from ad-, "to" and orare, "to speak, to pray".
2. Etymology: from French adorer, "to adore, to worship"; from Latin adorare, "to speak to, to entreat, to ask in prayer, to worship"; from ad-, "to" and orare, "to speak, to pray".
adsorb (verb), adsorbs; adsorbed; adsorbing
To take up and to hold another substance, usually gas or liquid, on a surface: The dye Kitty used was adsorbed on to the fiber of the fabric she was going to use.
advisable (adjective), more advisable, most advisable
A reference to that which is proper or recommended to be done: Mindy's doctor told her it was advisable for her to lose weight as soon as possible.
affable (adjective), more affable, most affable
Descriptive of someone who shows warmth and friendliness with other people: As a supervisor, Mike Black was always affable with his subordinates in that he was always civil and courteous when he had conversations with them.

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affirmable (uh FUHRM uh buhl) (adjective), more affirmable, most affirmable
Referring to someone or something that can be agreed to, verified, or concurred with; to answer positively: Harry's sister, Henrietta, answered in an affirmable way when asked to help him clean up his apartment after the party.
agglutinable (adjective), more agglutinable, most agglutinable
Regarding the clotting of bacteria or red cells when kept together by antibodies: In her biology book Agatha learned about the agglutinable blood platelets in the human body and its importance in the healing of wounds.
aggrandizable (adjective), more aggrandizable, most aggrandizable
Pertaining to something which can be made great or wonderful: The speaker made remarks about the aggrandizable potential of the new apartment building, referring especially to the architectural style.
agitable (adjective), more agitable, most agitable
A reference to a person's capability of getting upset or becoming emotionally disturbed: Mrs. Smart got into an agitable mood and was quite tense when her students were not concentrating on their work and were too loud as well.
agreeable (adjective), more agreeable, most agreeable
1. Pertaining to the affability of the mind or senses: Jim, Jill, Gertrude, and George all spent an agreeable evening together.
2. Conveying a willingness or a readiness to do or to allow something to happen: Guy's wife was agreeable to the idea of going on vacation for the next two weeks.
3. Descriptive of that which can be accepted: Mary asked Jack, "Is the schedule for our meal agreeable with you?"
2. Conveying a willingness or a readiness to do or to allow something to happen: Guy's wife was agreeable to the idea of going on vacation for the next two weeks.
3. Descriptive of that which can be accepted: Mary asked Jack, "Is the schedule for our meal agreeable with you?"
alienable (adjective), more alienable, most alienable
Relating to something that is transferable to another owner: The property that the Johnsons owned was alienable, so they were going to sell it the following year.
allowable (adjective), more allowable, most allowable
1. Concerning something that is permissible; tolerable: Doug was sick on the day of an exam, so it was allowable that he could take it after returning to school again.
2. Pertaining to something which is worthy of being considered: The three inches extra in the cotton fabric were an allowable measurement in case of shrinkage after washing.
3. Referring to items that are deductible according to the law: The expenses that Mr. Straight had were allowable tax write-offs.
2. Pertaining to something which is worthy of being considered: The three inches extra in the cotton fabric were an allowable measurement in case of shrinkage after washing.
3. Referring to items that are deductible according to the law: The expenses that Mr. Straight had were allowable tax write-offs.
alterable (adjective), more alterable, most alterable
1. A reference to something that can be changed or adjusted: The dress that Ingrid bought was too long, but alterable, so the seamstress hemmed it up to the right length.
2. A penalty which was ordered by court and capable of being modified into one less drastic: Jim was hoping for an alterable punishment by the court of justice that was less severe than the one decided on first.
2. A penalty which was ordered by court and capable of being modified into one less drastic: Jim was hoping for an alterable punishment by the court of justice that was less severe than the one decided on first.
ameliorable (adjective), more ameliorable, most ameliorable
Capable to be made or improved: Abigail was given medication by her doctor that should make her painful condition much more ameliorable.
Michael had ameliorable scores on his test which proved to be more satisfactory and raised his chances of getting a scholarship.
amendable (adjective), more amendable, most amendable
A reference to being corrected, improved, or repaired: The contract was still amendable because it was still within the time limit allowed for revisions.
amerceable (adjective), more amerceable, most amerceable
Liable to be punished or penalized: Jack knew that he would be amerceable if he traveled by train to visit his sister without buying a train ticket first.