(Latin: a suffix; expressing capacity, fitness to do that which can be handled or managed, suitable skills to accomplish something; capable of being done, something which can be finished, etc.)
A suffix that forms adjectives. The suffix -ible has related meanings; expressing ability, capacity, fitness; capable of, fit for, able to be done, can be done, inclined to, tending to, given to.
This list is only a small sample of the thousands of -able words that exist in English.
exceptionable, exceptional
exceptionable (ik SEP shuh nuh buhl) (adjective)
Describing something liable to be objectionable or offensive: The teachers attempted to censor the disgusting or exceptionable passages in the new novel assigned to the students.
exceptional (ik SEP shuh nuhl) (adjective)
Pertaining to a condition differing from the norm, either better than average or worse than average: There was an exceptional amount of rain in the summer and, as a result, the rivers ran very high.
The exceptional remark made by the politician was deemed exceptionable by the electoral committee.
excitable (adjective), more excitable, most excitable
1. A reference to the ability to quickly respond to stimuli: Human bodies have excitable nerves and tissues that can respond to various stimuli.
2. Characterized by an emotional condition that is shown to be impulsive or poorly controlled behavior: Aurora had an excitable reaction when she heard that her friend died in an automobile accident.
2. Characterized by an emotional condition that is shown to be impulsive or poorly controlled behavior: Aurora had an excitable reaction when she heard that her friend died in an automobile accident.
excludable (adjective), more excludable, most excludable
1. Liable to be rejected or refused: Students with poor high school grades are excludable and are not accepted at elite colleges.
2. Subject to omitting or eliminating something from use: The family ate only vegan foods and everything else was excludable.
3. Capable of preventing harmful germs or sun's rays to enter a specific place: The excludable mouth and nose masks are absolutely necessary to inhibit the COVID-19 viruses from spreading.
2. Subject to omitting or eliminating something from use: The family ate only vegan foods and everything else was excludable.
3. Capable of preventing harmful germs or sun's rays to enter a specific place: The excludable mouth and nose masks are absolutely necessary to inhibit the COVID-19 viruses from spreading.
excommunicable (adjective), more excommunicable; most excommunicable
A reference to an individual who has been formally removed from membership of a church or an organization because of an infraction of the rules of membership: The men committed an excommunicable offense by smoking in the lounge of the NON-SMOKING SOCIETY.
excoriable (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Subject to being denounced or condemned: Jim's excoriable behavior and speech in class was so severe that he was immediately suspended from school by the principal.
2. Capable of skin being rubbed or scraped off: When Jill fell on the pathway, the cement caused an excoriable injury.
2. Capable of skin being rubbed or scraped off: When Jill fell on the pathway, the cement caused an excoriable injury.
excusable (adjective), more excusable, most excusable
Worthy of pardoning an error, oversight, etc.: When Thomas was late for school because of a doctor's appointment, it was an excusable reason that the teacher understood.
execrable (adjective), more execrable, most execrable
1. Regarding something of extremely bad or very low quality: Isaac's cousin has execrable taste when it comes to clothes.
2. A reference to something that deserves to be abhorred or loathed: Henrietta's execrable behavior during the party was disgusting, probably as a result of drinking too much wine.
3. Etymology: from Latin execrabilis, exsecrabilis, from execrari, exsecrari, "to curse" or "to wish something awful, evil, or a misfortune will fall on someone or some group"; from ex-, "out of, from" + sacare, "to set apart as sacred, to consecrate"; from the stem of sacer, "holy, sacred".

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2. A reference to something that deserves to be abhorred or loathed: Henrietta's execrable behavior during the party was disgusting, probably as a result of drinking too much wine.
3. Etymology: from Latin execrabilis, exsecrabilis, from execrari, exsecrari, "to curse" or "to wish something awful, evil, or a misfortune will fall on someone or some group"; from ex-, "out of, from" + sacare, "to set apart as sacred, to consecrate"; from the stem of sacer, "holy, sacred".

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exercisable (adjective), more exercisable, most exercisable
Disposed to being used or exerted: In Bob's physical fitness class the instructor showed the students how well their legs and arms were exercisable with the equipment available.
exhalable (adjective), more exhalable, most exhalable
Able to be expired or evaporated: The air that humans breathe in is also exhalable or able to be breathed out again!
exorable (adjective), more exorable, most exorable
1. Susceptible of being moved by entreaty and being pitiful: Little Ivy's crying and sad eyes were so exorable that her mother cooed and held her lovingly.
2. Etymology: from Latin exorabilis, "easily moved by entreaty"; from exorare, "to move by entreaty, to persuade"; from ex-, "out, away" and orare, "to pray".
2. Etymology: from Latin exorabilis, "easily moved by entreaty"; from exorare, "to move by entreaty, to persuade"; from ex-, "out, away" and orare, "to pray".
expendable (adjective), more expendable, most expendable
1. Relating to anything or anyone that is not worth keeping and can be easily replaced: There are apparently some employees who have expendable jobs in the local company because they are being laid off.
2. A reference to something that is meant to be used and thrown away: While getting ready to move away to a new residence, Ted was getting rid of a lot of expendable things that his family had no further need for.

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2. A reference to something that is meant to be used and thrown away: While getting ready to move away to a new residence, Ted was getting rid of a lot of expendable things that his family had no further need for.

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expiable (adjective) (not comparable)
Susceptible of being atoned or pardoned for something: If Seth had only entered the neighbours property, the act could have been expiable, but since he committed a number of serious offences as well, he could not escape being convicted and punished.
explainable (adjective), more explainable, most explainable
Disposed to being understood or interpretable: Kitty had an explainable reason for being late for school which her mother accounted for in the written excuse for her teacher, Mrs. Jones.
explicable (adjective), more explicable, most explicable
Capable of being made understood or comprehended: In Tony's German class at school, Mrs. Schmidt clarified the grammar which was explicable for the students for doing the exercise.
explorable (adjective), more explorable, most explorable
1. Worthy of being researched or inquired into: While working on their project, Joyce and Susan did a lot of explorable investigation and fact-finding on the internet.
2. Possible of being traveled around or surveyed: When planning their camping trip, Jim and Janet wanted to go into an explorable region where they could go on long walks and discover new sights for themselves.
2. Possible of being traveled around or surveyed: When planning their camping trip, Jim and Janet wanted to go into an explorable region where they could go on long walks and discover new sights for themselves.