(Latin: suffix; expressing ability, capacity, fitness, or "that which may be easily handled or managed")
Just a few examples out of hundreds of words presented as the noun forms of -able; forming nouns of quality from, or corresponding to, adjectives in -able; the quality in an agent that makes an action possible. The suffix -ible has related meanings.
2. Relating to a disease transmitted by a vaccination: When injected into an individual, the inoculable bacteria should cause or create immunity, but not the illness itself.
3. Referring to that which can be used in an injection: The medicament was considered to be inoculable and was used to treat patients by giving them a dose in the form of an injection.
2. A disposition toward unpredictable conduct or irregular changes in one's state of mind: The older Aunt Jane got, the more mental instability she showed and therefore had to have help in her home.
Jim's less experienced football team won the championship despite the insuperable odds presented by the more successful team.

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2. The nature or feature of something that is hard to manage or deal with: The intractability of the leak of the faucet in the bathroom couldn't be fixed easily, so Tom had to call the plumber!
3. The inability of something which is not easily cured or relieved: The intractability of John's pain in his back was something that he had to put up with in addition to taking some medication which didn't help him much at all.
2. A condition of being secure from destruction, violence, infringement, or desecration: They were told that they had to honor the inviolability of the sanctuary and we indicated the inviolability of our promise to do so.
3. Incapability of being abused; incorruptibility; unassailability: They must consider the inviolability of secrecy.
2. The abnormal nervousness of an organ or a part of the body: Drinking too much coffee produces an irritability in Susan's stomach which causes her much pain.
3. The feeling of being cranky, cross, or impatient: The irritability in Mr. Rawson's mood was caused by not having anything to eat for a very long time, and he became cranky, touchy, and ill-humored.
2. Something for which a person is responsible, for example a financial obligation: It took many years for Mr. and Mrs. Timmons to pay off the liabilities they had regarding the debts to the bank that helped out with financing the costs of the house they had bought.
3. That which holds a person back or causes trouble: Because Timmy couldn't keep a secret, he was a liability to the boys' club and their undercover activities!
Becky was quite shy and this liability caused her difficulties in making friends.
4. Someone who is a burden, causes a social embarrassment. or who prevents an undefeated outcome: The members of the school football team, and even the coach, saw Doug as being a liability to the success of their games with other schools. or.
5. The likelihood or probability of something happening: The liability of many accidents happening is a real issue because of a big snow storm coming up and many cars don't have their winter tires on yet.
2. Descriptive of a metal having been beaten out into a thin plate: The antique tray receptacle in the museum appeared to be a piece of malleable silver.
3. Characterizing a person or something that can be influenced, adapted or fashioned to situations or mental challenges: As a teacher, Hans was always amazed at the malleable minds and personalities of his students.
The teachers were striving to develop a malleable plan that would serve to develop the "malleability" of the minds of their pupils.