zymo-, zym-, -zyme, -zymic

(Greek: ferment, fermentation; leavenl; a leavening agent, a leavening catalyst)

vitazyme (s) (noun), vitazymes (pl)
1. A liquid concentrate microbially synthesized from plant materials, and then stabilized for long life: Vitazymes are powerful but natural biostimulants contained in the material which greatly benefits plant growth and soil conditions to boost growth and profits for the grower.
2. An all-natural liquid “biostimulant” for soil organisms and plants that contains twelve biological activators, which are by-products of a proprietary fermentation process: These vitazymes are active agents that include vitamins, enzymes, and other powerful but gentle growth stimulators such as B-vitamins, triacontanol, glycosides, and porphyrins.
3. A dry microbial and enzymic formula: The vitazyme is effective in reducing sludge, ammonia nitrites and other undesirable organic pollutants, such as from waterfowl and fish feces, which have contaminated the water system continuously.

These vitazymes strains decrease H2S and other obnoxious gasses, and increase oxygen content and are applied to lagoons, lakes, rivers and estuaries, and polluted aquaculture, or fish and shrimp farms.

zymase (s) (noun), zymases (pl)
An enzyme in yeast which changes sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide: Any of a group of zymases that, in the presence of oxygen, convert certain carbohydrates into carbon dioxide and water or, in the absence of oxygen, into alcohol and carbon dioxide or lactic acid.

Zymase is found in yeast, bacteria, and in higher plants and animals.

zyme (s) (noun), zymes (pl)
A ferment: A zyme is said to be the cause of a contagious or zymotic disease.
zymic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to fermentation: Pasteur explained that zymic microbes are those which act as a catalyst only when air is omitted, and not to be mixed up with those which necessitate the presence of air.
zymite (s) (noun), zymites (pl)
A priest who uses leavened bread during a Christian ceremony: During communion, the people were given some wine and bread by the zymite in remembrance of the death of Christ.
zymochemistry (s) (noun), zymochemistries (pl)
The scientific study of fermentation: In their zymochemistry class, the professor gave the students the assignment of finding examples of agents causing organic substances to break down into smaller and simpler substances.
zymogen (s) (noun), zymogens (pl)
The inactive precursor of an enzyme that, on reaction with an appropriate kinase or other chemical agent, liberates the enzyme into an active form: As a plasminogen-bound zymogen, CPB2 is synthezised by the liver and is distributed throughout the plasma, or the colourless watery fluid of the blood and lymph.
zymogen granule (s) (noun), zymogen granules (pl)
A secretory particle of a pre-enzyme substance: A zymogen granule can be identified in the cells of synthetic organs, such as salivary glands or the pancreas.
zymogene (s) (noun), zymogenes (pl)
A microbe that causes fermentation: The minute organism called zymogen was used to activate the process of an agent to effectuate an organic matter to break down into smaller and basic substances.
zymogenesis (s) (noun) (no pl)
The transformation of a proenzyme, or zymogen, into an active enzyme: Heather learned in her class at school that by zymogenesis it was possible for an inactive precursor to be converted into a kinetic enzyme, or in other words, into a complex protein acting as a catalyst.
zymogenic (adjective) (not comparable)
1. A reference to causing fermentation: Zymogenic energy can be obtained by an amylolytic process.
2. Pertaining to the production of a zymogen: A zymogenic microorganism can be from the yeast plant of the Bacterium lactis.
zymogenous (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to the cause of fermentation: Zymogenous organisms exist only for a short time in a specific habitat and the number of them vary as a reaction to the accessibility of certain nutrients.
zymogram (s) (noun), zymograms (pl)
An electrophoretic graph of the separation of enzymes in a solution: A zymogram analysis was completed regarding complex proteins released in the digestive system which catalysed the breakdown of fats and fatty acids which could then be absorbed into the bloodstream.
zymohexase (noun), zymohexases (pl)
The complex protein involved in the process of splitting fructose: Zymohexase is the enzyme that is responsible for the transition of phosphates of a simple sugar to that of glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone.
zymohydrolosis (s) (noun), zymohydroloses (pl)
Fermentation or the process by which complex organic compounds are broken down: By the action of enzymes, a compound of carbon and another element is decomposed into simpler compounds without the use of oxygen.