voc-, voca-, vocab-, vocat-, -vocation, -vocative, -vocable, vok-, -voke
(Latin: call, talk, speak, say, voice; word)
unprovokedly (adverb), more unprovokedly, most unprovokedly
Referring to how someone commits an aggression or a certain misbehavior without any reason for doing it.
Vir, veritas, vox. (Latin)
Translation: "Man, truth, voice."
Motto of California State Universities and Colleges, California, USA.
Viva voce. (Latin)
Translation: "With the living voice; by word of mouth."
Speaking with the living voice. A viva voce examination is one in which the respondent gives spoken answers instead of written responses.
Vix ea nostra voco. (Latin)
Translation: "I scarcely call these things our own."
Another translation: "With difficulty do I call these things ours."
vocable (adjective) (not comparable)
Able to be pronounced or spoken: A vocable expression can be uttered with different sounds without necessarily regarding its meaning.
A word that is spoken so it can be heard: People listen to many vocables on TV, radio, and those that take place during conversations with each other.
Someone who gives much or a great deal of attention to words.
1. A collection or list of terms with brief explanations of their meanings: A vocabulary is a complete word stock of a language; an extensive body of verbal elements used when speaking, reading, or writing as a group, a class, or by individuals.
2. The range, or extent, of statements associated with a subject or area of activity, or used by a particular person, class, profession, etc.: One's vocabulary is considered to be a scope of expressions and an extensive range of linguistic communications.
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the many sources of English vocabulary.
2. The range, or extent, of statements associated with a subject or area of activity, or used by a particular person, class, profession, etc.: One's vocabulary is considered to be a scope of expressions and an extensive range of linguistic communications.
A good way to improve one's vocabulary is to learn more about their roots or sources of where they come from.
3. The sum, or aggregate, of elements composing a language, or languages: Vocabularies consist of lists of words; usually, defined and alphabetized, as in dictionaries, specialized glossaries, etc.; all of which are used to make it possible for people to communicate better with each other. 4. Etymology: a stock of words from 1532, in the writing of Sir Tomas More; perhaps borrowed by influence of Middle French vocabulaire, which came from Medieval Latin vocabularium, "a list of words"; from Latin vocabulum, "a word, a name"; from vocare, "to name, to call".
the many sources of English vocabulary.
A word, term, or phrase entered in a dictionary and in some readily distinguishable type for purposes of definitions or identifications: Vocabulary entries are usually listed in an alphabetical series, include parts of speech, inflected forms, idioms, etc., and are sometimes placed in special sections of books.
Words words.
A pleonasm, or redundancy, since "vocabulary" is defined as "words"; however, the two elements are now so widely used together that very few people seem to be aware of their repetitious existence.
The writer or compiler of word entries that are listed and usually defined; a lexicographer: Noah Webster is one example of a vocabulist who compiled An American Dictionary of the English Language, which was first published in 1897!
A piece if music that is sung: Marjory sang a beautiful vocal for the wedding couple.
William's album contained some wonderful vocals.
vocal (adjective), more vocal, most vocal
1. Referring to the voice; oral: There were several vocal protests in the city yesterday.
2. Relating to having a voice; endowed with the power of audible utterances: Some very young children have certain vocal techniques to get their parents’ attention.
3. Composed for or performed by the voice: Sally was given some special vocal music to use because she was taking singing lessons.
5. Characteristic of those who are determined to express their opinions: Many people become quite vocal when they take part in demonstrations or protest marches.
2. Relating to having a voice; endowed with the power of audible utterances: Some very young children have certain vocal techniques to get their parents’ attention.
3. Composed for or performed by the voice: Sally was given some special vocal music to use because she was taking singing lessons.
The vocal powers of the opera singer, Enrico Caruso, have become well known for a long time.
4. Concerned with the production of verbal expressions: The human vocal apparatus can produce a large variety of sounds and utterances.5. Characteristic of those who are determined to express their opinions: Many people become quite vocal when they take part in demonstrations or protest marches.
vocalic (adjective), more vocalic, most vocalic
Consisting of or relating to vowel sounds: Each one of the five vowels, "a", "e", "i", "o", and "u", has its own vocalic articulation.
1. Use of the voice to speak or to make audible sounds: When Ms Jones had laryngitis, she had to refrain from vocalism and to be as quiet as possible!
2. The technique of singing: Frank's daughter was taking lessons in musical vocalisms.
2. The technique of singing: Frank's daughter was taking lessons in musical vocalisms.
Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.":
Quotes: Language,Part 1;
Quotes: Language, Part 2;
Quotes: Language, Part 3;