atelo-, atel-, ateli-

(Greek: imperfect, incomplete)

Characterized by an incomplete or faulty embryonic development of the brain.
ateloencephaly, ateloencephalia
The incomplete or faulty embryonic development of the brain.
ateloglossia (s) (noun), ateloglossias (pl)
An incomplete development of the tongue from birth.
The congenitally incomplete development of the jaw.
1. Tremor (an involuntary vibration, as if from illness or fear).
2. Repetitive oscillatory movements, trepidation, shaking.
1. A congenitally incomplete development of the spinal cord.
2. The incomplete or deficient development of the spinal cord.
atelophobia (s) (noun), atelophobias (pl)
An excessive dread of one's imperfection or incompleteness: Ted is someone who is unduly concerned with what others think about him and his atelophobia provides an incentive for him to strive to do better, or at least to keep anyone else from noticing his failures.
1. The incomplete or imperfect development of the feet.
2. The congenitally incomplete development of the foot.
1. A congenitally incomplete development of the face.
2. An incomplete or imperfect development of the face that is usually of prenatal beginning.
atelorachidia, atelorhachidia
1. A congenitally incomplete development of the vertebral column.
2. The incomplete development of the vertebral column.
1. A congenitally incomplete development of the mouth.
2. The incomplete development of the mouth, including its contained parts.