vir-, viri-, virtu-
(Latin: man, manliness, manhood; masculine; husband)
1. The merit of morality, integrity, or righteousness: One of Jill’s virtues was her generous goodwill and disposition to help anyone when he or she needed it.
2. Etymology: from Latin virtutem, virtus, "moral strength, manliness, valor, excellence, worth"; from Latin vir, "man".

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2. Etymology: from Latin virtutem, virtus, "moral strength, manliness, valor, excellence, worth"; from Latin vir, "man".

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1. Destitute of efficacy or excellence; ineffective, worthless.
2. Destitute of virtue or moral goodness; immoral, vicious.
2. Destitute of virtue or moral goodness; immoral, vicious.
virtuosic, virtuosically
A reference to or characteristic of a virtuoso: "They loved her virtuosic performance."
Manly qualities or character.
In a virtuous manner; according to or in conformity with moral laws; uprightly, righteously; chastely, purely.
1. A musician who shows exceptional ability, technique, or artistry.
2. Someone who shows exceptional technique or ability in something.
3. Anyone who is knowledgeable and cultivated in appreciating the fine arts.
4. Etymology: "scholar, connoisseur; a borrowing of Italian virtuoso; meaning, "skilled, learned, of exceptional worth", from Late Latin virtuosus, "virtuous".
2. Someone who shows exceptional technique or ability in something.
3. Anyone who is knowledgeable and cultivated in appreciating the fine arts.
4. Etymology: "scholar, connoisseur; a borrowing of Italian virtuoso; meaning, "skilled, learned, of exceptional worth", from Late Latin virtuosus, "virtuous".
1. Originally, distinguished by manly qualities; full of manly courage; valiant, valorous.
2. Possessing or showing virtue in life and conduct; acting with moral rectitude or in conformity with moral laws; free from vice, immorality, or wickedness; good, just, righteous.
3. Having or showing moral goodness or righteousness.
4. Not having sexual intercourse with anyone except one's partner in marriage; especially, referring to a husband.
2. Possessing or showing virtue in life and conduct; acting with moral rectitude or in conformity with moral laws; free from vice, immorality, or wickedness; good, just, righteous.
3. Having or showing moral goodness or righteousness.
4. Not having sexual intercourse with anyone except one's partner in marriage; especially, referring to a husband.
The meaning of showing virtue, acting morally, being good, just, and righteous, is first recorded in Middle English before 1493.
Virtus ariete fortior.
Virtue is stronger than a battering ram.
Virtus, "virtue", here may also be interpreted as "valor" or "heroism".
Virtus in actione consistit.
Valor lies in action.
Action, not merely with words. How about "Action speaks louder than words"?
Virtus incendit vires.
Manhood rouses one's strength.
Virtus junxit mors non separabit.
Strength has joined [us] and death will not separate [us].
Virtus Unita Fortior.
Strength united is stronger.
The motto on the national and civil flag of the principality of Andorra, an independent republic in the Pyrenees mountains, located between France and Spain. It is one of the world's oldest states.
Virtus vincit invidiam.
Virtue overcomes envy.