vir-, viri-, virtu-

(Latin: man, manliness, manhood; masculine; husband)

1. To make virtuous.
2. To endow with virtue or power.
1. Brother-in-law.
2. The custom among the Jews and some other nations, by which the brother or next of kin to a deceased man was bound under certain circumstances to marry the widow.
Nemo unquam vir magnus fuit, sine aliquo divino afflatu.
No one was ever a great man without some divine inspiration.

A legal term.

Non solum ingenii, verum etiam virtutis.
Not only talent, but also virtue.

Motto of Liverpool College, U.K.

A body of eight men, a council of eight.
Polygamia est plurium simul virorum uxorumve connubium. (Latin-legal term)
Translation: "Polygamy is a marriage with many husbands or wives at one time."
Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th ed.; West Publishing Co.;
St. Paul, Minnesota;1990.
Praestatur laus virtuti, sed multo ocius verno gelu tabescit.
Praise is bestowed on virtue but vanishes more quickly than frost in spring.
—Livius Andronicus (c.280-204 B.C.)
Primum vir esto. (Latin motto)
Translation: "First, be a man."

Motto of Baker University, Baldwin City, Kansas, USA.

A union of four men.
quadrumvir, quadrumvirate
One of four men.
A member of a body, commission, etc., of fifteen men; especially one of the priests who had charge of the Sibylline books.
A government consisting of five hundred men.
An association, board, etc., consisting of five men.

Links to other units that include the topic of "man", "mankind":
andro-; anthropo-; homo-.