vinc-, vict-, -vince, -vincible, -vincibility +
(Latin: conquer, overcome)
1. In a victorious manner or experiencing triumph.
2. Resulting in victory, or characteristic of victors, victory, or the joy of winning.
2. Resulting in victory, or characteristic of victors, victory, or the joy of winning.
1. Having won a victory.
2. Relating to, or characteristic of victory.
3: Evincing moral harmony or a sense of fulfillment.
2. Relating to, or characteristic of victory.
3: Evincing moral harmony or a sense of fulfillment.
1. A successful ending of a struggle or contest.
2. Success in a contest against an enemy, opponent, a particular contest, or battle that is won.
3. Success in overcoming a difficult situation or an obstacle.
4. A condition in which someone has triumphed.
2. Success in a contest against an enemy, opponent, a particular contest, or battle that is won.
3. Success in overcoming a difficult situation or an obstacle.
4. A condition in which someone has triumphed.
Victory: Nike, Victoria
Greek: Nike (goddess)
Latin: Victoria (goddess)
Latin: Victoria (goddess)
Victress, an ancient Roman epithet variously applied to Venus, Diana, and other goddesses.
1. To conquer: "There are plants that use vince in their botanical terminologies; such as, Vince-toxicum and Vincetoxicum nigrum (Black Swallow-wort, a species in the milkweed family)."
2. Etymology: from vince, Latin, vinco, vincere, "to conquer, to win".

The part of the picture that is showing the yellow seed pods
is an example of the Vincetoxicum nigrum or Black Swallow-wort.
The white flowers are not related to this Vincetoxicum nigrum plant.
2. Etymology: from vince, Latin, vinco, vincere, "to conquer, to win".
The element toxicum in vincetoxicum comes from Latin, meaning "poison".

The part of the picture that is showing the yellow seed pods
is an example of the Vincetoxicum nigrum or Black Swallow-wort.
The white flowers are not related to this Vincetoxicum nigrum plant.
A male given (first) name from a Latin word meaning “conquering”.
Capable of being overcome, conquered, or defeated.
Vincit omnia veritas.
Truth conquers everything.
Motto of Compton Community College, Compton, California, USA; and it is also translated as "Truth conquers all things".
There is also a shorter version: Vincit veritas, "Truth wins out."
Vincit qui patitur.
He conquers who endures.
Motto of Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, USA.
Vincit qui se vincit.
He wins control who controls himself. -Seneca
Virtus vincit invidiam.
Virtue overcomes envy.
Vulneratus non victus. (Latin proverb)
Translation: "Wounded but not conquered."
Another version is, "Bloodied but unbowed."