vid-, video-, vis-, -vision, -visional, -visionally, visuo-, vu-
(Latin: videre, "to see"; plus words with other related meanings: to notice, noticing, noticed; observe, observing, observed; look, looking, looked; perceive, perceiving, perceived, perception; see, seeing, saw, seen, sight; view, viewing, viewed; manifest, manifesting, manifested; reveal, revealing, revealed, revelelation)
Although many of the words in this unit seem to be from other Latin origins, all of them are etymologically derived from the main Latin videre, "to see" element.
vision oscure
Being aware of visual field loss.
vision sensor
In robotics, a device; such as, a camera, which uses reflected light to find and to identify an object and sends the information, in the form of electronic signals, to a controller.
vision slit
Military ordnance, a narrow aperture (opening) in a military tank or armored vehicle to allow the crew to see outside the vehicle.
The art of seeing things invisible.
1. Having the nature of fantasies or dreams; illusory.
2. Existing in the imagination only; imaginary.
3. Characterized by or given to apparitions, prophecies, or revelations.
4. Given to daydreams or reverie; dreamy.
5. A person with fanciful speculations and enthusiasms with little regard for what is actually possible.
2. Existing in the imagination only; imaginary.
3. Characterized by or given to apparitions, prophecies, or revelations.
4. Given to daydreams or reverie; dreamy.
5. A person with fanciful speculations and enthusiasms with little regard for what is actually possible.
1. Produced by, resulting from, or originating in the imagination: Eve is a visionary who thinks that women are treated as equals to men.
2. Someone who has clear concepts as to what should happen or be done in the future: The politician is a visionary who is convinced that economic problems can be solved if labor unions and commercial companies cooperate and work with each other.
3. A person who has a religious or spiritual experience in which he or she sees a holy person who is not living or a holy event which cannot be explained scientifically: Adam's mother is known as a visionary by those who have gone to her for spiritual guidance.

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2. Someone who has clear concepts as to what should happen or be done in the future: The politician is a visionary who is convinced that economic problems can be solved if labor unions and commercial companies cooperate and work with each other.
3. A person who has a religious or spiritual experience in which he or she sees a holy person who is not living or a holy event which cannot be explained scientifically: Adam's mother is known as a visionary by those who have gone to her for spiritual guidance.

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1. Lacking the faculty of sight; being blind.
2. Without intelligent foresight or imagination; uninspired: "Our government seems to be full of visionless bureaucrats."
3. Destitute of vision; sightless.
2. Without intelligent foresight or imagination; uninspired: "Our government seems to be full of visionless bureaucrats."
3. Destitute of vision; sightless.
1. To go to see or to spend time at (a place) with a certain intention: "We went to visit a museum during our trip to New York."
2. To go to see in an official or professional capacity: "The senator went to visit the President."
3. The act or an instance of visiting a person, a place, or something.
4. Etymology: "come to (a person) to comfort or to benefit", from Old French visiter, from Latin visitare, "to go to see, come to inspect"; from visere, "to behold, to visit" (a person or place), from videre, "to see, to notice, to observe".
2. To go to see in an official or professional capacity: "The senator went to visit the President."
3. The act or an instance of visiting a person, a place, or something.
4. Etymology: "come to (a person) to comfort or to benefit", from Old French visiter, from Latin visitare, "to go to see, come to inspect"; from visere, "to behold, to visit" (a person or place), from videre, "to see, to notice, to observe".
1. A visitor or a guest who goes to see another person or place for a short time.
2. Someone who sees someone or something.
3. A supernatural being; a ghost or specter that is seen by someone or group of people.
4. Anyone who goes or comes to see another person and who is a guest in the house of a friend.
2. Someone who sees someone or something.
3. A supernatural being; a ghost or specter that is seen by someone or group of people.
4. Anyone who goes or comes to see another person and who is a guest in the house of a friend.
1. The action of seeing, an instance of visiting, or an instance of being visited or seen.
2. Etymology: "a visit by an ecclesiastical representative to examine the condition of a parish, abbey, etc.", from Latin visitationem; from Old French visiter, from Latin visitare, "to go to see, come to inspect"; from visere "to behold, to visit" (a person or place), from the stem of videre, "to see, to notice, to observe".
2. Etymology: "a visit by an ecclesiastical representative to examine the condition of a parish, abbey, etc.", from Latin visitationem; from Old French visiter, from Latin visitare, "to go to see, come to inspect"; from visere "to behold, to visit" (a person or place), from the stem of videre, "to see, to notice, to observe".
1. Belonging to or pertaining to a judicial visitor or visitation.
2. Referring to any authorized inspector or examination; such as, a doctor going to a retirement home to check on the health of the residents.
2. Referring to any authorized inspector or examination; such as, a doctor going to a retirement home to check on the health of the residents.
1. Someone who visits a person or place; for example, a caller, a guest, a tourist, etc.
2. An online website viewer or an internet user who views a website.
3. Someone who is authorized to visit a corporation or any institution, for the purpose of seeing that the laws and regulations are observed, or that the duties and conditions prescribed by the founder or by law, are duly performed and executed.
4. Anyone who goes to see or to spend time somewhere for reasons of friendship, business, duty, travel, etc.
5. An out-of-town team that travels to an opponent's stadium or sports field to play a game.
2. An online website viewer or an internet user who views a website.
3. Someone who is authorized to visit a corporation or any institution, for the purpose of seeing that the laws and regulations are observed, or that the duties and conditions prescribed by the founder or by law, are duly performed and executed.
4. Anyone who goes to see or to spend time somewhere for reasons of friendship, business, duty, travel, etc.
5. An out-of-town team that travels to an opponent's stadium or sports field to play a game.
1. A hinged front part of a helmet, made of transparent or tinted plastic and designed to protect the face or eyes; especially, on helmets worn by motorcyclists or welders.
2. A flap mounted above the windshield inside an automobile used to shield the eyes from sun glare, etc.
3. A shade for the eyes attached to a band worn around the head or the front brim of a cap.
4. A hinged metal front part of a medieval helmet in a suit of armor, designed to protect the face and fitted with slits for the eyes to see through.
5. Etymology: from Middle English viser; from Anglo-Norman, from vis, "face, appearance"; from Latin visus, "a look, vision"; which came from the past participle stem of videre, "to see".
2. A flap mounted above the windshield inside an automobile used to shield the eyes from sun glare, etc.
3. A shade for the eyes attached to a band worn around the head or the front brim of a cap.
4. A hinged metal front part of a medieval helmet in a suit of armor, designed to protect the face and fitted with slits for the eyes to see through.
5. Etymology: from Middle English viser; from Anglo-Norman, from vis, "face, appearance"; from Latin visus, "a look, vision"; which came from the past participle stem of videre, "to see".
1. A disant scenic or panoramic view or sight.
2. A view seen through a long narrow opening; for example, between rows of trees or buildings.
3. A mental picture covering a wide range of objects or a long succession of events in the past or the future.
4. Etymology: "a view or prospect", from Italian vista, "sight, view"; from vedere, "to see"; from Latin videre, "to see".
2. A view seen through a long narrow opening; for example, between rows of trees or buildings.
3. A mental picture covering a wide range of objects or a long succession of events in the past or the future.
4. Etymology: "a view or prospect", from Italian vista, "sight, view"; from vedere, "to see"; from Latin videre, "to see".
visual (adjective), more visual, most visual
1. Regarding something that can be seen, or that is intended to be seen, by the eyes: The visual presentation by using a large computer screen was welcomed by all the teachers in the meeting.
Visual material can be a photograph, a picture, a chart, a graph or other kinds of presentations that display information or promotional matter in a way that appeals to the sense of sight.
2. Relating to the sense of sight: In class, the students learned many aspects of the visual organs of a person, like the visual receptors on the retina.
3. Able to be perceived as a picture in the mind rather than as an abstract idea: Carol was known for having a visual memory.