veh-, vect-
(Latin: quantity having magnitude and direction; carrier, bearer, conveyer; from the stem of vehere, "to carry, to convey, to cart")
The carrying of disease germs from an infected person to a healthy person: A vection is indirect when pathogens (germs) are transmitted by an intermediate host.
Most vections are direct and immediate when they are transferred directly from one person to another one.
1. Any force or influence that consists of a quantity which is specified by magnitude, direction, and sense: The vector of the aircraft consisted of elements that the pilot had to maintain in order to arrive safely at his destination on time.
2. An organism; such as, a mosquito or a tick, that carries disease-causing microorganisms from one host to another one: A vector picks up disease organisms from sources of infections from infected blood or feces, carries them inside or on their bodies, and then deposits them where they infect a new host, either directly or indirectly.
4. A computer memory location containing the address of a code; usually, some kind of operating system service: By changing the vector to point to a different piece of code, it is possible to modify the behavior of the operating system of a computer.
2. An organism; such as, a mosquito or a tick, that carries disease-causing microorganisms from one host to another one: A vector picks up disease organisms from sources of infections from infected blood or feces, carries them inside or on their bodies, and then deposits them where they infect a new host, either directly or indirectly.
A vector can be any agent (person or animal or microorganism) that carries and transmits a disease. For example, mosquitos are vectors of malaria, West Nile virus, and yellow fever and fleas are vectors of the plague. Aphids are transmitters of plant diseases. When medical scientists refer to vectors they are usually talking about insects.
3. A bacteriophage, plasmid, or other agent that transfers genetic material from one cell to another cell: Genetic engineering relies on the use of vectors when creating or cloning cells.4. A computer memory location containing the address of a code; usually, some kind of operating system service: By changing the vector to point to a different piece of code, it is possible to modify the behavior of the operating system of a computer.
vector (verb), vectors; vectored; vectoring
To guide someone or something: A pilot or an aircraft is vectored by using radio communications.
A radio transmitter was vectoring the hikers towards safety after they got lost in the jungle.
vector-borne (adjective), more vector-borne, most vector-borne
A description of a disease which affects more than one species and that is transmitted by the host to other host species: Many vector-borne carriers are insects or arthropods; for example, mosquitoes are the vectors for malaria.
An increase in vector-borne diseases can be associated with changes in weather conditions; such as, prolonged droughts.
The graphic record, usually a photograph, of the direction and magnitude of the electrical forces of the heart's movements: The cardiologist, Dr. Hendricks, studied the vectorcardiogram which was supplied by Susan, the medical technician, during the patient's examination.
1. A process in which the direction and magnitude of the electrical forces of the heart are determined: The eminent cardiologist, Dr. Diedrich, pioneered the use of vectorcardiography for patients with heart diseases.
2. A method of charting the electro activity of the heart: Mrs. Carson, the medical technician, arranged to have a vectorcardiography of Sally's heart beat and e-mailed the results to her cardiologist.
2. A method of charting the electro activity of the heart: Mrs. Carson, the medical technician, arranged to have a vectorcardiography of Sally's heart beat and e-mailed the results to her cardiologist.
vectored (adjective), more vectored, most vectored
1. A reference to physical forces which have size and direction: The vectored wind was measured by instruments positioned on the tarmac at the airport.
2. A descriptive term for insects or animals that carry diseases from one animal or plant to another one: Certain species of mosquitoes are the most vectored insects in the world.
2. A descriptive term for insects or animals that carry diseases from one animal or plant to another one: Certain species of mosquitoes are the most vectored insects in the world.
An instrument used to record the mechanical movements of the heart: The technician in the cardiology department, Mr. Mason, developed a new vectorgraph to use with very young heart patients.
vectorial (adjective), more vectorial, most vectorial
1. Of, relating to, or characterized by a directed quantity, one with both magnitude and direction: The vectorial chart in the tower at the airport was useful in directing incoming and outgoing aircraft.
2. Pertaining to a chosen course or direction for motion; such as, an aircraft: The pilot followed the vectorial indications on the map to guide the plane through the fog and to a safe landing.
2. Pertaining to a chosen course or direction for motion; such as, an aircraft: The pilot followed the vectorial indications on the map to guide the plane through the fog and to a safe landing.
vectorize (verb), vectorizes; vectorized; vectorizing
To determine or to control a magnitude or a direction: The pilot vectorized the velocity or acceleration of his aircraft as he took off.
A special type of oscilloscope used in both audio and video applications: Most modern waveform monitors include the functionality of vectorscopes which are built in.
1. Characterized by forcefulness of expression, intensity of emotion, or conviction; fervid: Harry expressed a vehemence about the accusations of his political opponents.
2. Marked by or full of vigor or energy; wild or turbulent; strong: Jane and James experienced the vehemence of a severe storm this afternoon.
2. Marked by or full of vigor or energy; wild or turbulent; strong: Jane and James experienced the vehemence of a severe storm this afternoon.
1. Vigorous impetuosity; fury: Marie's vehemency at being falsely accused of shoplifting was understandable.
2. An unusual intensity and eagerness of emotions or convictions; fervid: The politician spoke with a vehemency that was meant to replace the fact that he was on shaky grounds regarding the issue about which he was speaking.
3. A strong ardor or animated fervor and enthusiasm: The vehemency Monroe felt about his dictionary project inspired others to work with him to fulfill his objectives to produce superior contents.
4. Violence; a great force: The vehemency of the wind destroyed many homes in the community.
5. Etymology: from Latin vehemens, from veho, "to carry", that is, "to rush" or "to drive".
2. An unusual intensity and eagerness of emotions or convictions; fervid: The politician spoke with a vehemency that was meant to replace the fact that he was on shaky grounds regarding the issue about which he was speaking.
3. A strong ardor or animated fervor and enthusiasm: The vehemency Monroe felt about his dictionary project inspired others to work with him to fulfill his objectives to produce superior contents.
4. Violence; a great force: The vehemency of the wind destroyed many homes in the community.
5. Etymology: from Latin vehemens, from veho, "to carry", that is, "to rush" or "to drive".
vehement (adjective), more vehement, most vehement
1. Zealous; ardent; impassioned: Karin's vehement enthusiasm and desire to go to the concert was fulfilled when a friend bought a ticket for her.
2. Characterized by rancor or anger; violent: Madeline expressed vehement hostility to another woman who was talking to her husband at the fitness studio.
3. Strongly emotional; intense or passionate: Henry had a vehement desire to complete his project.
4. Marked by great energy or exertion; strenuous: The audience extended their vehement clapping after the singer finished her song.
5. Etymology: from French vehement, from Latin vehementem, accusative of vehemens, "eager, violent, furious"; literally, "rushing"; from vehere, "to carry, to convey".
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2. Characterized by rancor or anger; violent: Madeline expressed vehement hostility to another woman who was talking to her husband at the fitness studio.
3. Strongly emotional; intense or passionate: Henry had a vehement desire to complete his project.
4. Marked by great energy or exertion; strenuous: The audience extended their vehement clapping after the singer finished her song.
5. Etymology: from French vehement, from Latin vehementem, accusative of vehemens, "eager, violent, furious"; literally, "rushing"; from vehere, "to carry, to convey".

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vehemently (adverb), more vehemently, most vehemently
1. Characterized by coming from or marked by impetuosity of feeling or passion; unusually ardent: Harriet vehemently denied being at the site of the car crash last night.
2. A descriptive reference to actions with great force or energy; violent; furious: The rain beat vehemently against the windows of the house during the thunder storm.
3. Etymology: some sources state that the "ultimate origin is uncertain"; however, The Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology indicates that it is probably before 1425, from Middle French vehement, "impetuous, ardent"; perhaps from an earlier wehemenos, "carrying oneself, rushing"; from vehere, "to carry"; and Klein's Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language by Dr. Ernest Klein, states that its literal meaning of "rushing" came from vehere, "to carry, to convey".
2. A descriptive reference to actions with great force or energy; violent; furious: The rain beat vehemently against the windows of the house during the thunder storm.
3. Etymology: some sources state that the "ultimate origin is uncertain"; however, The Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology indicates that it is probably before 1425, from Middle French vehement, "impetuous, ardent"; perhaps from an earlier wehemenos, "carrying oneself, rushing"; from vehere, "to carry"; and Klein's Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language by Dr. Ernest Klein, states that its literal meaning of "rushing" came from vehere, "to carry, to convey".