urin-, urino-, uric-, urico-, uri-, -uria, -urea, -ure

(Latin: water, rain, wet)

hemoglobinuria (s) (noun), hemoglobinurias (pl)
The presence of hemoglobin in the urine: Hemoglobinuria is caused by a large amount of intravascular hemolysis in which an excessive amount of red blood cells are destroyed. This process releases free haemoglobins into the plasma. Surplus haemoglobins are filtered out by the kidneys and is excreted into the urin.
Pertaining, or referring, to sweating or to a sweat gland.
1. Excretion in the urine of any stubstance at a constant rate, or production of urine itself at a constant rate.
2. Productin and excretion of urine at a normal, even rate.
The constant secretion of urine of low specific gravity (density or concentration of urine relative to the density of water), primarily in chronic nephritis or inflammation of the kidney: "Hyposthenuria may occur in cases in which renal or kidney damage hinders concentrating power or when the kidneys are normal but lack hormonal stimulus for concentrations; such as, in diabetes insipidus (a disorder characterized by intense thirst and excessive urination)."
The inability of the kidneys to produce either a concentrated nor a dilute urine: "Isosthenuria is an indication of significant impairment (poor performance) of the renal or kidney functions."
lipaciduria (s) (noun) (no pl)
The presence of fatty acids in the urine: After Dr. Green tested Jack's urine, he detected a condition of lipaciduria which had to be treated quickly and with medical aid in the hospital.
The presence of lipase in the urine. Increased lipasuria reflects pancreatic disease, although it also may be present in diffuse renal diseases. It is said that it is not a practical diagnostic test.
The presence of lipids in the urine, as neutral fat bodies floating in the urine, oval fat bodies which appear yellow or black under reduced light and which may be single or aggregated, casts with inclusion fat or fatty cells.
The presence of oil or fat in the urine.
1. Excess urinary excretion of uric acid.
2. The passage, usually painless, of tiny calculi (gravel) during urination.
Presence of mucin in the urine, suggesting vaginal contamination.
noctalbuminuria (s) (noun) (no pl)
Existence of protein only in night urine: Noctalbuminuria describes the presence of excessive amounts of albumin in the urine secreted during the hours of darkness.
An excessive urination at night, possibly due to excessive fluid intake before going to bed, prostatic disease, urinary tract infection, or impaired renal function that results in excretion of urine with a low specific gravity; also nycturia.
Frequent urination during the night; especially, the passage of more urine at night than during the day; nocturia.
Excretion of small quantities of urine, as seen in dehydration.