urin-, urino-, uric-, urico-, uri-, -uria, -urea, -ure

(Latin: water, rain, wet)

acetonuria (s) (noun) (no pl)
Excretion in the urine of large amounts of acetone: Acetonuria is an indication of incomplete oxidation of large amounts of lipids and commonly occurs in diabetic acidosis.
acidaminuria (s) (noun) (no pl)
An excess of amino acids in urine; aminoaciduria: When at his family doctor's office, Mr. Smith had his urin tested and Dr. Hathaway said that he had a case of aciaminuria which could be treated and cured.
aciduria (s) (noun), acidurias (pl)
A condition marked by the presence of excessive amounts of acid in the urine: There are different forms of aciduria, and among them are aminoaciduria and orotic aciduria.
adiposuria (s) (noun) (no pl)
The presence of fat in the urine; lipuria: Adiposuria is a pathological illness that shows the existence of lipids in the urine.
albeduria (s) (noun) (no pl)
The passing of pale or white urine of low specific gravity; albinuria: When Albert went to see his doctor regarding a urine complain, he was informed that he had a case of albeduria due to a digestive fluid containing fatty droplets, as in chyluria.
albiduria (s) (noun) (no pl)
The passing of pale or white urine of low specific gravity; albinuria: Because Doug noticed a disorder in his pee, he went to his doctor who informed him that he had a condition of albiduria, which gave his urine a milklike color.
The passing of pale or white urine of low specific gravity, as in chyluria. Also albiduria.
The presence of an abnormally large quantity of albuminates in the urine when voided.
Presence of protein in urine, chiefly albumin but also globulin; usually indicative of disease, but sometimes resulting from a temporary or transient dysfunction
alcoholuria (s) (noun), alcoholurias (pl)
The existence of alcohol in the urine.
allotriuria (s) (noun), allotriurias (pl)
A strange or perverted condition of the urine.
The excretion of purine bases in the urine.